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The HITB Forum is ready -- Come get connected!

posted onApril 30, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Yup that's right -- we've finally finished with the themeing and all the other little setup bits involved in getting PHPBB2 up and running -- the new forum is already linked to the side box you see on the left of the main page. The direct link to the forum is Do take a look around, go sign up for an account (before someone else takes your favourite nick), and just have a good time.

HITB Forum -- upgrade?

posted onApril 28, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Hey guys, I'm seriously thinking about doing away with our current crappy forum system and putting in PHPBB 2.0 -- now the thing is I need to know whether anyone would be willing to help moderate the forum as well... I certainly can't do it all alone. So if you're willing to lend a helping hand to maintain the forum, drop me a line. In the meantime, feel free to post your suggestions on possible categories (and subcategories) for the forum. is going down -- for good.

posted onApril 19, 2002
by hitbsecnews

I've got some bad news for everyone using HITB's webmail system... I just received this e-mail from BigMailBox (the providers for

Dear Webmaster:

Due to overwhelming demand for service and associated capacity issues,
BigMailBox's free advertising-supported e-mail program has been suspended
effective immediately. You may choose to apply for our "Special Delivery"
paid service, available to you at the average rate of 10 cents per active
mailbox per month

Put some Knowledge on your desktop...

posted onApril 3, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Hey guys, well we've finally worked out all the business arrangements with Serence Inc. with regards to them supplying HITB's headlines to users on their desktop system through the use of their KlipFolio system. Basically, their software allows for a user to have the headlines from various different news sources (apart from HITB) brought directly to their desktops, giving them quick access to the news they want when they want it.

HITB: The problems never end...

posted onApril 1, 2002
by hitbsecnews

If it's not one thing, it's another! The hard drive for our gateway server that does the routing etc for the site has died. Well not completely but it's going to die in the next 24 hours I'm sure. Eitherways, we're working on getting a new HDD as soon as possible and rebuilding everything from scratch. Needless to say, we're going to have to bring the boxes down and the site is going to be inaccessible for at least 36 to 48 hours. I plan on bringing the machine down at exactly 8pm MYT (about 12 noon GMT) on Monday 1st of April 2002.

Yes, we got hacked... AGAIN!

posted onMarch 27, 2002
by hitbsecnews

At about 2:00 or 2:30 pm EST we suffered a defacement-- again. The attacker managed to get control of our banner ad management system, injected SQL into the database to remove all exsisting banners except the one, however modified the query to show the defaced text which read as follows:

"is dis a defacemt? damn.. i was jes runnin a script, i know not wat i m doing... satan makes me do it... anyhow, greetz to L33tdawg...hehe -script kiddie"

DashZero -- The GFX man.

posted onMarch 24, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Just thought I'd hook everyone up with this bitchin art work by DashZero (who's soon to be added into our HITB family). He's got some pretty good design ideas, but I'd let you guys check that all out over at In the meantime, feast your eyes on this tasty offering *grin*.

If you wanna download this, head over to the deviant art site and get your hook up there. I'll be uploading this to our hitb-gfx segment in a couple of hours.

HITB new addition - External Source

posted onMarch 22, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Okay as promised I've added in the ability to pull in the latest headlines from various different sources and have it displayed on all pages as you surf around giving you quick access to the latest tools, vulnerabilities and news from external sources. Currently we've got the following sources for you to choose from:

List of resources for sideboxes ?

posted onMarch 19, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Okay I need everyone's help. The code that'll allow users to pull in news/content from external sites is coming along nicely and should be completed by the weekend if not earlier.

Issue #27

posted onMarch 18, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Wow! This has certainly been a fairly interesting month! I've had more work to do (in real life and on HITB) than I've had in the last 6 months! First we had the whole security incidents going on, and the code clean up that followed. Then I had coding-hunger (yes, it's a disease!) which resulted in a fair number of new features being added in (namely Favourites and My Links).