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Issue #27

posted onMarch 18, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Wow! This has certainly been a fairly interesting month! I've had more work to do (in real life and on HITB) than I've had in the last 6 months! First we had the whole security incidents going on, and the code clean up that followed. Then I had coding-hunger (yes, it's a disease!) which resulted in a fair number of new features being added in (namely Favourites and My Links). Further to this we've also got more code enhancements coming along that'll allow you to add in predefined headlines from different sites (we're going to start with what we feel is the most relevant and we'll add more in as we go along, or by requests). Anyways, enough rambling -- just nice to know that things are coming along so well. I do hope all of you have found all the new features (and old) to be useful in your day to day surfings around here. Have a good month and see you guys when the next issue rolls around.

1.) The Linux Hackers Intro to assembly language (Pt. 1) - argc
2.) Intro to PGP on Windows - madirish
3.) Hacking Windows Shares from Linux with Samba - madirish
4.) DVD Ripping the Right Way - A
5.) SAM Files and NT Password Hashes - Grifter
6.) SQL Interjection Attack - Fiend
7.) Raw Socket Access in Windows XP - Tierra
8.) The Tuxtendo's Tuxkit Rootkit Analysis - Spoonfork




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