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HITB new addition - My Links

posted onMarch 17, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Okay so I was bored and I missed the F1 :( cause I was out shopping for stuff I decided to code up another module addition for everyone to check out. It's called My Links (I know it's corny, but it's the best I could come up with at the time), which allows any registered user to add up to 20 of their favourite personal links, so they have quick access to the resources/sites they tend to visit daily. This box is then shown on the left hand side of the page under his/her Favourites list box (if they choose to enable it, otherwise it'll be under the Who's Online box).

Speed improvement

posted onMarch 17, 2002
by hitbsecnews

I'm not sure if any of you have noticed but the site should load a little quicker than before thanks to some code updates I've done here and there as well as the split of the database and PHP across 2 servers (not really load balancing, but close enough I guess). The new setup should enable us to serve up pages a little quicker, although the java side box still creates a little performance bottle neck. If you find that the page loads a little too slowly for your liking, login to your account and disable the Latest Headlines and you should see the page load times drop significantly.

HITB now available on your desktop (thanks to Serence Inc.)

posted onMarch 10, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: Serence KlipFarm

I got an e-mail yesterday from Allan Willie, CEO of Serence Inc. a company founded to address the growing need for content service providers to offer real-time value added information services. Basically, they've got an information channel software which enables subscribing users to reduce
time spent gathering information and provides a persistent
and scalable way to deliver timely information directly to a users desktop.

Customize your HITB experience

posted onMarch 9, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Well since I was in the mood for more code updates, I've gone right ahead and coded a module that'll let registered users to choose which side boxes they'd like to have on their pages. Of course there are default values, but if you don't like the vertical news scroller or if you don't give a hoot about the Last 10 Postings to Forum, this new code will allow you to turn those boxes off and on.

Latest HITB feature: Add to Favourites

posted onMarch 8, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Well through the kind suggestion of exar I've coded up a "Add to Favourites" segment that pretty much allows you to add articles to a favourites list so you can come back to it at a later point in time and not have to search through the site to find it. Eitherways, hope you guys find this useful -- unfortunately this feature is only available to registered users, so if you haven't registered, perhaps you might want to do so now *grin*.

HITB on TV! (thanks to Verizon Wireless)

posted onMarch 7, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Check it! I finally managed to get a video capture of the Verizon Wireless ad that promotes hackinthebox (yay!). I'll be putting up the complete video (it's about 5MB) tonight, so you guys can check it out. I must say it's certainly quite 'strange' to see hackinthebox on a TV ad -- while we have had coverage before, this is perhaps the first time that we've gotten 'exposure' in this manner. Not bad for a tiny little site wouldn't you say? *grin*. Check out the screenshot below. I'll update this page with a link to the MPEG file once I get home.

Verizon Wireless != hackinthebox

posted onMarch 5, 2002
by hitbsecnews

L33tdawg: I got the following in an e-mail from one of our users, and was just wondering how many of you have seen the ad -- I certainly haven't, but then again, I'm in Malaysia, and I doubt Verizon is about to start advertising here *grin*. Eitherways, if you've seen it, please post your comments on it. If someone would be kind enough to record it and encode it for me to see, that'll be even better! Much love to the guy that sent me the e-mail -- you know who you are *grin*.

Hard drive Upgrade

posted onMarch 3, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Just a small notice to those of you that tried getting into our site from 6pm MYT to 7:35pm MYT today (Sunday 3rd of March) -- You guys would have most likely seen the "Upgrading in progress" page, which usually means we're upgrading something (duh!) or something needs fixing *grin*. Anyhow, this time around, the upgrade process was to increase our hard drive space from 8GB to 20GB and to recompile the kernel of the box. Further to this, various upgrades was also carried out. Why am I telling you guys this? Well just to keep everyone informed I suppose.

Is AvantGo Busted?

posted onMarch 2, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Haven't been able to get hitb@avantgo to work since the 24th of March. And contact us on the palm doesn't give an address and the link on this page that says contact us is also broken. I think that Avantgo is making some changes and I don't know where things
are broken. I delete the content on my palm and it just comes back for the 24th. No news is not good news in this case :-(

L33tdawg: Anyone else having problems with getting to the HITB Avantgo channel?