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Latest HITB feature: Add to Favourites

posted onMarch 8, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Well through the kind suggestion of exar I've coded up a "Add to Favourites" segment that pretty much allows you to add articles to a favourites list so you can come back to it at a later point in time and not have to search through the site to find it. Eitherways, hope you guys find this useful -- unfortunately this feature is only available to registered users, so if you haven't registered, perhaps you might want to do so now *grin*.

I know the image for the add to favourites on the main page and the article pages is a little small, and I'm working on getting a better image done. Should be ready by tomorrow. Oh yes, incase you're wondering, you get to the list of your favourite links through your user page. As always, if something doesn't work quite as it should, let me know.




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