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HITB on TV! (thanks to Verizon Wireless)

posted onMarch 7, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Check it! I finally managed to get a video capture of the Verizon Wireless ad that promotes hackinthebox (yay!). I'll be putting up the complete video (it's about 5MB) tonight, so you guys can check it out. I must say it's certainly quite 'strange' to see hackinthebox on a TV ad -- while we have had coverage before, this is perhaps the first time that we've gotten 'exposure' in this manner. Not bad for a tiny little site wouldn't you say? *grin*. Check out the screenshot below. I'll update this page with a link to the MPEG file once I get home. Much love to v$ for hooking me up and thanks goes to Ellis as well, for his time and effort in trying to get me a copy too.




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