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Put some Knowledge on your desktop...

posted onApril 3, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Hey guys, well we've finally worked out all the business arrangements with Serence Inc. with regards to them supplying HITB's headlines to users on their desktop system through the use of their KlipFolio system. Basically, their software allows for a user to have the headlines from various different news sources (apart from HITB) brought directly to their desktops, giving them quick access to the news they want when they want it. While we've made an announcement about this whole arrangement some time back, the KlipFolio system WAS still in the beta stage, thus requiring new users to sign up in order to download the tool and our channel.

I'm glad to announce though, that effective Monday 8th of April, Serence will be going 'live' and the registration process will no longer be neccesary in order for you guys to get your hook up. Further to this, the rumours about Serence limiting the number of Klips a user can download and the whole deal about them possibly charging for the service is unfounded -- according to the man himself (Allan Willie), the service is and shall remain FREE. Eitherways, you may or may not have noticed that we've got a Serence KlipFolio banner in rotation on our site, which will send you directly to the download page for the HITB Klip File. As always, if anyone has trouble getting this new feature to work, drop me an e-mail. Enjoy.

L33tdawg, on behalf of the HITB Team.




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