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The Hacker Diaries

posted onJune 2, 2002
by hitbsecnews

I bought The Hacker Diaries by Dan Verton last week (so I'd have something to read over the World Cup weekend between matches *grin*), and I must say it was quite an excellent read. The book explores the social issues behind hackers, explains what motivates hackers to strike, and tells the life stories of the rank and file of the teenage hacker sub-culture.

Live World Cup scores on HITB

posted onMay 30, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Ahhh -- the World Cup is just around the corner and if you're like me, you've probrably got your snacks and beer stashed away ready to make an appearance when the greatest game on earth kicks off tomorrow evening. In line with the World Cup 'spirit' I've added in a small code update that will allow users to pull in the latest World Cup scores as the goals are scored (at least that's the theory). So if you're a footie fan, head on over to your Sidebox Customization Page add get your hook up!

Issue #29

posted onMay 18, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Yes! Issue #29 is finally here! We've been extremely busy over the past couple of weeks what with the new IRC channel, and the new HITB Forum. Eitherways, it's a little late as always I know, but the zine is finally out. I think you guys are going to like this month's issue -- especially the article by madirish and Grifter's (nice to have you back mate) Dumpster Diving piece. Eitherways, check it all out, and see you guys next month! Oh yes, COME VISIT US ON IRC!

The Matrix: Reloaded and Revolutions trailer is here!

posted onMay 16, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Yup! That's right, we've got the Matrix Reloaded & Revolutions (Part III) teaser-trailer right here for you guys. Okay, before you go clicking that link, make sure you've got a fairly decent connection (don't want to be sucking up the bandwith on a 56K modem) -- the file is large, about 25MB, so download only if your connection can handle it...

Note: You'll need Quicktime to play the file. Also, you might want to right click and save the file on your machine *grin*.

HITB Downtime

posted onMay 9, 2002
by hitbsecnews

I'm sure most of you have noticed that the site has been inaccessible for a fair number of hours over the past couple of days. This problem has been due to an unforseen technical difficulty with our upstream provider. Eitherways, trust that the problem is being resolved as we speak, and hopefully will be completed within the week.

L33tdawg on behalf of the HITB Team.

The new HITB t-shirts have arrived!

posted onMay 3, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Well after many weeks of back and forth negotiations with the printer and a good 1/2 a day spent today itself waiting around for the printed t-shirts, it gives me great pleasure to bring you the latest HITB t-shirt design.

Front Design:
(small yellow cube with below. The front design size is approximately 2 1/2" square)

Back Design:
(large version of the yellow cube with below. The cube and url is approximately 8" x 9")

New HITB Wallpapers!!!

posted onMay 3, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Hey, thought I'd let everyone know that we've got some new wall papers for you guys -- check it out over here. The yellow styled image (second wallpaper), is actually being turned into a t-shirt design, which if all goes well should be ready by today -- I'll have some snap shots and an order form ready for you guys over the weekend. In the meantime, head over to the forum and get your papers!

DefCon Forums

posted onMay 3, 2002
by hitbsecnews


Not really HITB News. But I never know what to use as a topic whenever I'm going to post some kind of a rant.

Anyway, I've been thinking since we posted the new HITB Forums that their was another forum that has gone unannounced.

New Forums!!

posted onMay 2, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Hey guys, I know that this was posted a few days ago. However, I’m just making everyone aware that the new forums are up.

I encourage everyone to sign up, and start posting away. If you have any suggestions just let us know.