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The Hacker Diaries

posted onJune 2, 2002
by hitbsecnews

I bought The Hacker Diaries by Dan Verton last week (so I'd have something to read over the World Cup weekend between matches *grin*), and I must say it was quite an excellent read. The book explores the social issues behind hackers, explains what motivates hackers to strike, and tells the life stories of the rank and file of the teenage hacker sub-culture. Going beyond a series of stories about the technical aspects of hacking and cracking exploits, it analyzes why the average teenagers got involved in hacking in the first place. Pretty damn interesting and I'd recommend you guys to get it. It's worth having.

As I was finishing the book though, I was flipping through the Resources segment, and lo-and-behold, HITB was listed! w00t w00t!!! Looks like we've finally 'made it' into book prints! Needless to say I was thrilled, which might also explain this sudden post extolling the virtues of the book! Eitherways, check it out if you can... Much love to Dan Verton for including us in the list!




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