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HITB Security Conference 2002: Day 2 and CTF draws to a close

posted onJuly 17, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Well the first 2 days of the HITB Security Conference 2002 is finally over and done with. As you guys most likely know, we kicked it all off with Capture the Flag sessions -- 32 hours non-stop. Although we initially had about 30 people signed up to attend, only about 11 people actually participated. We did have a few observers now and again. Eitherways, the first 2 days were a success, and the analysis of the attacks and methods used will be presented tomorrow (18th July 2002, at the Securities Commissions Building, Mont Kiara @ 4:30 or 5pm). now available

posted onJuly 7, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Just thought I'd let everyone know that is finally up and running! woohoo! Much love to Leary for setting it up for us. Incidentally, if you can't get into the server via the domain name, try accessing it through the IP: See you guys there!

Issue #30

posted onJune 26, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Okay so the zine is more than 10 days late, but it's finally here. Issue #30! Now I'm sure most of you are wondering WHY it is the zines keep getting pushed back later and later. Well mainly because we've been busy getting things sorted out for the first ever HITB Security Conference 2002! Yup that's right, we're putting on our very own security conference, and it's all happening next month (16th and 17th July 2002 -- Capture the Flag. 18th & 19th July 2002 -- Conference and Workshops). What do we have lined up?

Malaysian Mozilla Party Pics are out.

posted onJune 24, 2002
by hitbsecnews

I've been meaning to post this up a couple of days ago, but it's been slipping my mind. Eitherways, just thought I'd let everyone know that the pictures from the Malaysian Mozilla Party are available online over here. Wanna know what the likes of spoonfork, and biatch0 (when drunk) look like? Here's your chance! *grin*. Unforutnately there's only like one pic of HOT CHICKZ, and sadly they weren't part of the party! Oh well -- such is life for a geek. :)

Malaysia Mozilla Party -- be there!

posted onJune 11, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Just thought I'd let you guys know that there's a party going on tomorrow evening in Bangsar (Oliver's Super Sandwiches) which kicks off at 7pm. It's being organized by the myoss group... So far, a fair number of people have penned their names down including the likes of yours truly, alphaque, spoonfork and leafbug to name a few. So if you're going to be around the area, why not drop in and say hello? Hope to see you guys there. For more information, check out the official posting about the event here.

A word from dashzero -- the GFX man.

posted onJune 7, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Now under normal circumstances I wouldn't be making a posting of this sort, but in the spirit of 'spreading the word' and keeping knowledge free, I thought I'd let everyone know that Dashzero, our in house graphics guy has come up with -- A new community on the internet, where one can show off their art and graphics kung-f00 to the rest of the world. Further to this, they've also got a webdesign and general chit-chat forum running as well, over at Check em out!