CBR Online -- tsk tsk
reaper: Just try and read some news.
Please send your emails to: cbrsupport@computerwire.co.uk and
support our complaint about registering to read their stories. It seems like just another way to send you JUNK MAIL or to get your personal information. Sure doesn't say they will protect your information does it. and yes I've read there Privacy Policy "and allows us to give our advertisers and
partners a clear idea of who uses our site" "Data Protection
Act 1998." This is out of date.... and some people just do not want there information known just to read your web site. we don't ask anyone to register to read our sites!
To CBR Online: I really think this sux that you are asking people to register to look at your news, and this has just won you a slam on our site.
Best Regards,
Content Admin,