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Goodbye 2004; Hello 2005

posted onDecember 31, 2004
by hitbsecnews

Happy New Year to all our visitors! Here's hoping 2005 brings you more remote shells, exploits and other fun stuff ;) Cheers guys!

Hacking for Jesus - and other Malaysian sites owned

posted onNovember 22, 2004
by hitbsecnews

It seems the Malaysian Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian MUDA or MUDA Agricultural Development Authority has been defaced by Command Tribulation! A quick look at the site this morning at 11:29am still showed the defaced page. You can check out the screen shot here. Having a look at the list of all defacements done by this group, it appears a fair number of .my servers were attacked yesterday (21/11/2004).

HITB Search

posted onNovember 8, 2004
by hitbsecnews

As some of you may have noticed we've updated the functionality of HITB's mainsite and forum with 'the power of Google' :) Basically users now have the option of searching either HITB's own internal database or Google itself directly from either site. Results will open in a new window. You also have the option of harnesing google's power to search specifically or just

Issue #34

posted onNovember 1, 2004
by hitbsecnews

We are proud to announce the immediate availability of Issue #34 of the HITB e-zine! We are hoping that from this month onwards our e-zine will once again become a monthly feature to look out for! If you're looking to have an article published or if you have a stockpile of materials that you'd like to share with the rest of the world, drop me an e-mail and we'll sort you out! In the meantime, enjoy the issue...

First ever J2ME Vulnerability & Exploit

posted onSeptember 9, 2004
by hitbsecnews

Adam Gowdiak has announced his paper for HITBSecConf2004 entitled "Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) Security Vulnerabilities". His presentation will begin with a general introduction to mobile Java, KVM, CLDC and MIDP concepts. This will be followed by a detailed description of KVM security architecture, its operation and differences from standard Java Virtual Machine. In the second part of the talk several vulnerability exploitation techniques specific to mobile Java code will be presented.

Issue #33

posted onApril 6, 2004
by hitbsecnews

It seems like our e-zines are becoming more of an annual affair rather than a monthly zine! We sincerely apologize for this, unfortunately with planning for things like our annual security conference and such have kept us all rather busy. We held our second security conference -- HITB Security Conference 2003 which went off really well with a 2 day technical focused event featuring the likes of the The Last Stage of Delirium Group, HD Moore, Nitesh Dhanjani and several others!

Defacer - Hacker Apocalypse has quit the defacement scene

posted onDecember 15, 2003
by hitbsecnews

L33tdawg: We don't normally carry 'notices' like these, but all the same ...

I just want to get the word out that I just quit or left the defacement scene. It is just time to move on.. It looks like getting my word out was just my point. War is stupid.

Apocalypse a.k.a. ApocalypseDow

LSD comes to Malaysian shores

posted onNovember 11, 2003
by hitbsecnews

L33tdawg: If you have registered, but haven't made your payment yet, please be reminded that registering alone does not secure you a seat till payment is made! You don't want to lose your reservation! For further information regarding our speaker lineup, papers, activities and other related information, please check out the official conference website -- HITBSecConf2003.

Techfocus exclusive interview with HITB

posted onNovember 6, 2003
by hitbsecnews

Our mates at Techfocus were kind enough to hook us up with an article about the upcoming HITBSecConf2003! The article is more of an interview with me really, but all the same, do have a read :) We will be putting up the event intenerary in the coming days and further updates and announcements regarding the papers and presentations that will be made.

Issue #32

posted onJuly 17, 2003
by hitbsecnews

Yes! We FINALLY managed to get Issue #32 out! The last issue was published sometime in October last year! Imagine that. So what's been going on since then? Well quite a bit actually -- we've got an SSL enabled site now, the forum is running and doing well, we've got over 35,000 registered members on our main site and things are doing good.