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Issue #33

posted onApril 6, 2004
by hitbsecnews

It seems like our e-zines are becoming more of an annual affair rather than a monthly zine! We sincerely apologize for this, unfortunately with planning for things like our annual security conference and such have kept us all rather busy. We held our second security conference -- HITB Security Conference 2003 which went off really well with a 2 day technical focused event featuring the likes of the The Last Stage of Delirium Group, HD Moore, Nitesh Dhanjani and several others! This year, we're holding the conference a little earlier and we're expecting it to be wicked mad. We'll be making an official announcement about this in the coming days so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, please enjoy the latest issue...

1.) Reducing "Human Factor" Mistakes - Dancho Danchev
2.) Virtual File System - /proc - Danny “Dr.T”
3.) Hiding Files - [in]visible
4.) Better Living Through Mod Security - L33tdawg
5.) Guide to ARP Spoofing - Barfbag
6.) SMOKE="gentoo" - mel
7.) Nessus - Doing more with Less - christian




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