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Evad3rs Are Teaching Two Technical Courses on iOS Exploitation at #HITB2013KUL

posted onMay 13, 2013
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: Online registration is open and early bird rate ends on the 25th of July. 

The Evad3rs will be teaching two technical training courses on iOS Exploitation at HITB2013KUL for those interested.

The Hack in the Box Security Conference takes place from the 14th till the 17th of October 2013 at the InterContinental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Watch: @Evad3rs Press Conference from #HITB2013AMS

posted onApril 16, 2013
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: HD video from all talks / presentations at #HITB2013AMS will be released on the HITBSecConf YouTube Channel.

Last week, we attended the 4th edition of Hack in the Box Amsterdam. During the security conference, the members of the world-renowned Evad3rs team, the ones responsible for developing iPhone jailbreaks, held a press conference.

We’ve filmed the entire press conference, so if you’re interested in learning what the guys said, check out the video.

Pod2g: If Apple Releases iOS 6.2 We'll Jailbreak It

posted onApril 16, 2013
by l33tdawg

We may see a jailbreak before iOS 7 after all, according to Pod2g, the French hacker who is responsible for the discovery of various exploits used in iOS jailbreak tools.

Some of the most noteworthy names on the iOS jailbreak scene are present at the Hack in the Box 2013 conference in Amsterdam, including David Wang (@planetbeing), Nikias Bassen (@pimskeks), and the hacker famously known as Pod2g (Cyril).

Selling iOS Exploits Is Not Our Thing

posted onApril 16, 2013
by l33tdawg

After reading stories about iOS exploits fetching as much as half a million dollars on the black market for software vulnerabilities, you might think the hackers are pretty enticed to make a pitch to the government, the army, or other parties who might be interested in buying.

But they’re not.

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