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Evasi0n iOS 6 Jailbreak Team 'Evad3rs' To Speak at HITB Amsterdam

posted onMarch 27, 2013
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: Online registration closes on the 7th of April, though walk in registrations will still be accepted (do expect to queue for a bit if you choose this option). See you guys in Amsterdam! 

Anyone who followed the iOS 6 jailbreak process or has been a member of the jailbreak community in the last couple years probably has some knowledge of the HITB security conferences as leading members of the jailbreak community have been present at the last two consecutive HITB conferences. Jailbreakers first appeared last summer at HITB AMS where the iPhone Dream Team came together for the first time, to release the iOS 5.1.1 Rocky Raccoon jailbreak  while also conducting a presentation about the iOS 5.01. Corona jailbreak.

A few months later, in September, members of the current evad3rs jailbreak team, @pod2g, @MuscleNerd and @planetbeing, joined security expert Mark Dowd in speaking to the audience at HITB Malayisia at an iOS/OSX security panel discussion few of us will forget. At the time the panel was conducted iOS 6 had been out less than a month, and little did we know it would be another 4 months before the iOS 6 evasi0n jailbreak would arrive.

This year the latest jailbreak team, the evad3rs, composed of @pod2g, @planetbeing @MuscleNerd and @ pimskeks will be in attendance at the HITB Amsterdam conference taking place April 8th - 11th. The team will be speaking on the last day of the conference at 1:30 pm and though unfortunately there will be no live stream this year, someone will be recording the presentation and once it is made available, I will be sure to post it.



HITB2013AMS evasi0n evad3rs Apple Security Hackers

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