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Apple credits Evad3rs for uncovering 4 out of 6 exploits in iOS

posted onMarch 22, 2013
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: All four members of Evad3rs will be at #HITB2013AMS next month where they're presenting a paper titled Swiping Through Modern Security Features.

For years Apple has been playing a game of cat and mouse with jailbreakers. Apple releases a new version of iOS, hackers get busy finding security vulnerabilities to exploit, a new jailbreak comes out utilizing those hard-earned exploits, and Apple fixes the security holes in a new iOS version. The cycle has been happening for years.

A team of hackers called the Evad3rs were responsible for the recent iOS 6 Evasi0n jailbreak, and Apple just released iOS 6.1.3 to patch the related security holes. Of the 6 exploits that were fixed, Apple has publicly credited 4 to the Evad3rs, all of which are chained together to give hackers root access to iOS.



Apple Security iOS evad3rs evasi0n HITB2013AMS

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