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Selling iOS Exploits Is Not Our Thing

posted onApril 16, 2013
by l33tdawg

After reading stories about iOS exploits fetching as much as half a million dollars on the black market for software vulnerabilities, you might think the hackers are pretty enticed to make a pitch to the government, the army, or other parties who might be interested in buying.

But they’re not.

In fact, as David Wang (@planetbeing) told us during a Q&A session at Hack in the Box 2013 Amsterdam, he and his fellow hacking friends (pod2g, pimskeks and Musclenerd) haven’t engaged in such discussions with potential buyers. “No one has ever contacted me about pricing the exploits, so I have little to no idea. You guys probably know more about it than I do,” Wang told us (USTREAM – our question is around the 12 minute mark). He continued, saying “There are certain news articles out there that claim that the prices for the vulnerabilities are as high as $250.000, $400.000 or something like that, but I have no personal experience.”



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