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Some users find scuffs, nicks on newly-purchased iPhone 5s

posted onSeptember 24, 2012
by l33tdawg

An increasing number of iPhone 5 owners are reporting scuffs and other signs of damage to their newly-purchased smartphones right out of the box, with some miffed customers taking to the web in what is being dubbed "scuffgate."

According to complaints posted to various forums and social media sites, a limited number of launch-day iPhone 5 units are being delivered straight from the factory with scuffs and dings.

iPhone 5 gets mild teardown, reveals its precious new innards

posted onSeptember 21, 2012
by l33tdawg

With Apple's shiny new iPhone 5 set to start arriving at people's doorsteps tomorrow, it's only proper for some folks with early access to give the masses an inside look at what most won't ever get to see.

And while it isn't the usual suspects doing the damage favor on this occasion, we still appreciate the iPhone-Garage crew for taking the time to dismantle Cupertino's novel handset.

Dutch hackers discover iOS exploit that may be present in iPhone 5

posted onSeptember 19, 2012
by l33tdawg

How long would it take a determined attacker to hack into Apple's iPhone device from scratch?

That was the intellectual challenge that drove a pair of Dutch researchers to start looking for an exploitable software vulnerability that would allow them to hijack the address book, photos, videos and browsing history from a fully patched iPhone 4S. The hack, which netted a $30,000 cash prize at the mobile Pwn2Own contest here, exploited a WebKit vulnerability to launch a drive-by download when the target device simply surfs to a booby-trapped web site.

Round-up of iPhone 5 reviews: It's all good

posted onSeptember 19, 2012
by l33tdawg

Ahead of the iPhone 5’s official release on Friday, hands-on reviews from major newspapers and tech sites have started to roll in. We’ll have our own evaluation ready for you very shortly, but we thought it would be an interesting exercise to round up the sentiments pouring out thus far. And it probably won’t surprise you by this point to hear that the reviews are almost universally positive.

Thanks to iPhone 5, Apple Stock Hits Record High Of $700 Per Share

posted onSeptember 17, 2012
by l33tdawg

Apple Inc booked orders for over two million iPhone 5 models in the first 24 hours, reflecting a higher-than-expected demand for the consumer device giant's new smartphone and setting it up for a strong holiday quarter.

Apple shares rose in extended after-market trading to touch $700 per share for the first time. They have gained nearly 22 percent in the past 3-1/2 months in the build-up to the launch of the iPhone 5.

Apple using custom ARM core for A6 to balance performance/watt

posted onSeptember 17, 2012
by l33tdawg

Apple may finally be reaping the benefits of its acquisitions of chip designers PA Semi and Intrinsity with the iPhone 5, according to sources speaking to AnandTech. The A6 processor that powers Apple's newest iPhone is using neither rehashed Cortex A9 cores, nor the upcoming Cortex A15, but an original design based on ARM's armv7s architecture.

Apple sold 2 million iPhone 5 in first 24 hours, 'shattering' iPhone 4S record

posted onSeptember 17, 2012
by l33tdawg

Demand for Apple Inc's new smartphone, the iPhone 5, has exceeded initial supply, making it the fastest-selling iPhone ever and pushing the delivery date for some pre-orders to next month.

Apple said on Monday that pre-orders for the new mobile device surpassed 2 million in the first 24 hours. A majority of pre-ordered phones will be delivered as planned by September 21, but many will not be delivered until October, it said.

Line already forming in New York for iPhone 5

posted onSeptember 17, 2012
by l33tdawg

 Demand for the iPhone 5 appears to be white hot. Lines are already forming outside Apple stores. In the very early hours this morning, people hoping to buy the handset -- swaddled in sleeping bags or heavy coats -- were camping out overnight in front of Apple's 5th Avenue store, also known as the Cube.

They'd began gathering on Friday, a full week before the devices are scheduled to go on sale at stores. If the iPhone 5 follows the same pattern as other popular Apple gadgets, the lines will continue to grow.