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HITB 2016: John Adams - 'backdoor' security laws unworkable

posted onJune 1, 2016
by l33tdawg

Many of today's security laws will be unworkable according to one security expert speaking at today's 7th Hack in The Box (HITB) conference in Amsterdam.

John Adams, head of security for Bolt Financial, treated the HITB conference to a state of play in the ongoing crypto-wars between the private and public spheres.

HITB 2016: Zorko calls for greater cooperation in cyber-crime fight

posted onJune 1, 2016
by l33tdawg

Patricia Zorko, head of cyber-crime at the Dutch National Crime Squad, opened the 7th Hack in the Box conference on a humble note. Proclaiming herself “the least technical person in the room”, Zorko said, “I really want to emphasise that you are really a very important community.”

Her 34 years in policing have seen her don a number of hats. She's been a district commander, a policy adviser and a member of the riot squad.

SandJacking Attack Puts iOS Devices At Risk to Rogue Apps

posted onJune 1, 2016
by l33tdawg

Apple has yet to patch a vulnerability disclosed during last week’s Hack in the Box hacker conference in Amsterdam that allows an attacker with physical access—even on the latest versions of iOS—to swap out legitimate apps with malicious versions undetected on the device.

Researcher Chilik Tamir of mobile security company Mi3 Security disclosed last week during his talk at the show that an iOS mitigation for a previous attack he’d developed was incomplete and with a modification, he could still infect non-jailbroken iOS devices with malicious or misbehaving apps.

HITB 2016 Amsterdam: Cache Side Channel Attacks 'very dangerous'

posted onJune 1, 2016
by l33tdawg

A security researcher has shown how Intel CPU's among others are vulnerable to cache side channel attacks at the the 7th Hack in the Box Amsterdam.

The possibility  of cache side channels attacks occurred to Anders Fogh, co-founder/ vice president of engineering, Protect Software GmbH, after one researcher brought up over twitter an oversight in a talk Fogh was about to give at Blackhat. The researcher's addition of side channel attacks, “threw my plans to the wind” said Fogh.

Dutch Deputy National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism to Deliver Welcome Address at #HITB2016AMS

posted onMay 24, 2016
by l33tdawg

Amsterdam – 24 May 2016: On the 26th of May, the 7th Annual HITB Security Conference in The Netherlands will kick off with a Welcome Address by Patricia M. Zorko, MPA – The Netherlands Deputy National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism and Director Cyber Security. Held at the NH Grand Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam, Ms Zorko’s 15 minute welcome address is titled “Cybersecurity: A Dance Between Governments, Companies and Hacker Communities.

Developing the perfect exfiltration technique

posted onApril 11, 2016
by l33tdawg

At SafeBreach, one of our major research areas is exfiltration (sending sensitive data out of the corporate network). In one of our research projects in late 2015, we set out to find the perfect exfiltration technique. At that time, we didn’t quite know what it would encompass, but we were determined to find out.

WICS Foundation to Confer the Women of the Year Award at #HITB2016AMS

posted onApril 11, 2016
by l33tdawg

On May 26, the Dutch Women in Cyber Security Foundation (WiCS), will confer the very first Women of the Year Award at HITBSecConf! This yearly WiCS Award celebrates female front runners, who successfully and passionately strive to enhance the cyber security field. Recognizing the accomplishments and contributions of our champions, the WiCS Award is a showcase for the value of women to the cyber security field.