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AntiSec releases over 10GBs of private police files including details of informants

posted onAugust 6, 2011
by l33tdawg

A week after 70 law enforcement agencies were defaced and attacked in what was known as Fuck FBI Friday, Anonymous and LulzSec have released another massive amount of confidential data, this time targeted at US police officers in what they're now calling Shooting Sherrifs Saturday.

Over 10GBs of information has been leaked including hundreds of private emails, password information, address and social security numbers, credit card numbers, informant details, police training files and more.

The group claims to be acting in solidarity with Topiary, a member of LulzSec who was apparently found to be in posession of 750,000 login credentials when arrested last week as well as with the Anonymous PayPal LOIC defendants whom Anonymous faithful claim should be considered as 'political prisoners'. From the release 'notes':

We stand in support of all those who struggle against the injustices of the state and capitalism using whatever tactics are most effective, even if that means breaking their laws in order to expose their corruption. You may bust a few of us, but we greatly outnumber you, and you can never stop us from continuing to destroy your systems and leak your data.

We have no sympathy for any of the officers or informants who may be endangered by the release of their personal information. For too long they have been using and abusing our personal information, spying on us, arresting us, beating us, and thinking that they can get away with oppressing us in secrecy. Well it's retribution time: we want them to experience just a taste of the kind of misery and suffering they inflict upon us on an everyday basis. Let this serve as a warning to would-be snitches and pigs that your leaders can no longer protect you: give up and turn on your masters now before it's too late.



AntiSec LulzSec Anonymous

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