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How Antisec Died - The feds' guide to bringing down a hacker from the inside

posted onNovember 26, 2013
by l33tdawg

First, an introduction: I write about hackers, and for the past few years that has meant I write about Anonymous. At the time of the Stratfor hack I was working for Wired covering Anonymous — notably the antics of Antisec anons much of the time. I had missed the Lulzsec period, which I spent under federal investigation myself. From February to July of that year I stayed away from the hacker world, unsure if my computer would be seized and unwilling to draw my sources into a possible fishing expedition.

AntiSec Hackers Release 1 Million iOS Device UDIDs Allegedly Obtained By Breaching FBI Laptop

posted onSeptember 4, 2012
by l33tdawg

Hacker group AntiSec released a set of over 1 million Apple Unique Device Identifiers (UDIDs), which the group claimed to have obtained from a file found on an FBI laptop it allegedly breached in March.

AntiSec claimed that the file found on the FBI laptop contained more than 12 million IDs that included personal information such as user names, push notification tokens, device names, cellphone numbers, addresses and zip codes. The hacker group issued a statement via Pastebin and gave a description on how it managed to obtain the data:

Anonymous hacker releases information on GlobalCerts employees

posted onAugust 27, 2012
by l33tdawg

Online security is essential in some forms of business, and there are plenty of people out there eager to bypass your security and mess with your company. While Anonymous is still the big name in 'hacktivism', there are plenty more groups appearing.

Someone claiming to be working as part of Anonymous and AntiSec (Anti-Security, to give the full term) has hit Global Certs is used for secure email messaging and suchlike, so there probably is a goldmine of information nobody was ever meant to see.

Anonymous splinter group AntiSec continues war on 'profiteering gluttons'

posted onFebruary 27, 2012
by l33tdawg

In secretive online chat rooms, away from the glare of police, small groups of elite hackers plot attacks against multi-national corporations and governments.

But in a quest to expose what they see as a conspiracy of high-level corruption, the hackers – affiliated to cyber-activist network Anonymous – have in recent months expanded their targets, becoming increasingly unpredictable and callous in the process.

AntiSec hackers bare data on Kissinger, Quayle

posted onJanuary 6, 2012
by l33tdawg

A "foreign intelligence service" may be exploiting data revealed by a computer hacking group on U.S. intelligence and military officials, a cyber analyst said.

AntiSec, part of the larger hacking organization Anonymous, disclosed information on officials and former officials who subscribe to Stratfor, which provides clients with analysis of national and international affairs. The data include e-mail addresses and other personal data, the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday.

AntiSec hackers to release 2.5 million of Stratfor's client emails

posted onJanuary 1, 2012
by l33tdawg

Stratfor, a global intelligence firm based in Austin, Texas recently became the latest victim of the online hacker collective Anonymous after their servers were breached over the Christmas weekend and information was stolen. Up until now the website of the security think tank remains offline, with the AntiSec arm of Anonymous claiming full responsibility.

Boston police website hacked, user info posted online

posted onOctober 24, 2011
by l33tdawg

A Boston Police Department website was hacked. At least 2,000 names and passwords have been posted online. The group claiming responsibility said they support the Occupy Boston movement.

Boston Police are warning some of their members that usernames and passwords were compromised. The investigation into who hacked the system was widening and the F.B.I. was brought in to assist.