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Yet another way to stop WinICE/SoftICE (in 9x)

posted onFebruary 17, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: Anti Crack

Hiya puppies, since SI uses software interrupts 1 to get control back after
an opcode, and 3 for breakpoints. You can make SI useless by patching its
code which is appearently writable(!).

but erh, saddly this isn't true for nt/2k :( (at least, win2k isn't big very
big friends with the SIDT instruction)

Internet security software for the most paranoid

posted onFebruary 16, 2002
by hitbsecnews


If you're concerned about computer security, Symantec Corp. has a nicely packaged bundle to satisfy even the most paranoid.

If this software had a mother, it would demand photo ID on every visit.

The Norton Internet Security Professional Edition controls Internet access to and from the computer.

Most of us worry about the "to" part, but there's danger in sending sensitive information from the computer as well.

Microsoft to debut developer tools

posted onFebruary 13, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: CNet News

Microsoft is set to take its all-important Web services plan to its most important clientele: software developers.
After four years of development and two years of marketing hype, Microsoft will on Wednesday release Visual Studio.Net, a bundle of development tools crucial to translating its Windows monopoly into a key advantage in the growing market for Web services technology.

DetonatorXP 27.30's are out for 2000/XP

posted onFebruary 8, 2002
by hitbsecnews

The latest Detonator Drivers for XP appears to be floating around the net, so I picked up a copy and loaded it all up for everyone to enjoy. The drivers are dated 19th January 2002, so I'm not sure how stable they are considering the fact that nvidia has yet to put the link to the download up on their site.

You can download your copy of the driver from here.

Reviews: SSH Brute Forcer

posted onJanuary 30, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: Zero Security

l33tdawg: Go grab the code over at the source site.

This is an expect script that will allow you to specify a host file, user file, and a dictionary. Extremely useful for auditing large networks where you can´t manually log into every machine or don´t feel like re-running something on every host.

CpuIdle Pro for Windows NT/2000 5.9 Final Beta

posted onJanuary 30, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: BetaNews

CpuIdle lowers the CPU temperature by disabling it when not needed. This prolongs the CPU life (a decrease by 10°C doubles the life span) and cuts power consumption. By decreasing power consumption it increases the time before your laptop battery goes dead. Unlike normal power management CpuIdle is active all the time and works even when you're actively using your computer.

Peek-A-Booty to debut at grassroots P2P show

posted onJanuary 30, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: The Register

Cohen worked on MojoNation before quitting last April to concentrate on his BitTorrent project, and he's convening hackers in downtown San Francisco next month for a P2P/cypherpunk conference a world away from the usual corporate trappings. "[Other] Conferences cost a ridiculous amount of money, and hackers are treated like dirt," says Cohen.

12Ghosts XP 5.05 (1/28/02) Beta

posted onJanuary 29, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: BetaNews

12Ghosts is a closely knit bundle of various utilities that accelerate and facilitate your working with your computer. The 12Ghosts help you to secure your important documents, automate daily tasks, and bring back the fun to your Windows desktop. Everything from an automatic saving device for documents to a shut down control tower is here, as well as Windows shell enhancements for easier and faster usage of Windows itself.