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Sony brings games streamer, Uncharted and Little Big Planet for PS4 to E3

posted onJune 10, 2014
by l33tdawg

 Sony used the E3 games show to shock reveal Uncharted and Little Big Planet titles and Playstation TV, its cut-price game streaming console.

Playstation TV is a €99 gadget that lets Sony's Playstation 4 (PS4) users take their gameplay to any television in the house. Sony said that it will be out for the PAL region sometime this year. Japan already has it as the Playstation Vita TV, and Sony said that it has been revised since its November release.

Sony to sell PlayStation 4 console in China

posted onMay 26, 2014
by l33tdawg

It looks like Microsoft won't be the only company selling its next-generation gaming console in China. Sony has announced that the PlayStation 4 will soon be available in China as well.

The launch announcement shares a similar modus operandi -- a joint venture partnership with a local company to distribute the console, as well as management of the online services and software retail.

Sony: PS4 sales surpass 7 million units worldwide

posted onApril 17, 2014
by l33tdawg

Sony continues to issue updates about its overall sales for the PlayStation 4 console. Today, the company said that worldwide, its newest home game console has sold over 7 million units since it launched on November 15th to April 6th.

Sony's press release comes about six weeks after the company announced PS4 worldwide sales had exceeded the 6 million mark. The company also announced today that over 20.5 million copies of PS4 games have been sold, either as physical copies or via download, since the launch.

SSD Or Hard Drive? Upgrading Your PlayStation 4's Storage

posted onMarch 14, 2014
by l33tdawg

As enthusiasts, we have to like that Sony shies away from proprietary storage technologies in its gaming consoles. Instead, the company sticks with standard hard drives, making upgrades quick and easy. Back in the day, its PS2 accommodated 3.5-inch PATA devices, which sound downright ancient now. The PS3 was compatible with 2.5-inch SATA-based storage. Today, the PlayStation 4 includes an easy-to-replace 2.5" disk as well, keeping the tradition going.

Sony to shutter two-thirds of its US stores

posted onFebruary 27, 2014
by l33tdawg

Sony Electronics is closing 20 of its 31 US-based store locations, the Japanese consumer electronics giant announced this afternoon. The news follows layoffs at Sony affecting approximately 5,000 employees worldwide; it's unclear if European or Asian Sony stores are affected by today's news (we've asked).

Sony Claims Hulu is Hosting a Pirated TV-Show

posted onFebruary 3, 2014
by l33tdawg

It's no secret that copyright holders are trying to take down as much "pirated" content as they can, but sometimes they go too far. In a recent DMCA notice, for example, Sony Pictures Television claims that Fox's hit show 'Almost Human' infringes on their copyrights.

Day in and day out copyright holders send hundreds of thousands of DMCA takedown notices to Google, hoping to make pirated movies and music harder to find.