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Sony hack snowballs as movie scripts, celebrity phone numbers leaked

posted onDecember 9, 2014
by l33tdawg

Sony Pictures is in full-blown damage-control mode and has called an all-hands meeting following another huge leak of sensitive, confidential info. The new trove of data released by the so-called GOP (Guardians of Peace) includes more private employee info, actor phone numbers and traveling aliases, legal claims against Sony Pictures, film budgets, scripts and more. As pointed out by the WSJ, it also includes private info of some 40,000 Sony Pictures ex-employees like home addresses, previous salaries and social security numbers.

Hackers demand Sony pulls plug on 'The Interview'

posted onDecember 9, 2014
by l33tdawg

The group claiming responsibility for the Sony Pictures hack has denied it threatened Sony employees and demanded the studio halt the release of a movie that makes light of an assassination attempt on the leader of North Korea.

The message was posted on the Github website and claims to be from the the Guardians of Peace, a previously unknown hacker group that claimed responsibility for the attacked on Sony Pictures more than two weeks ago

Hackers send mass email threatening Sony employees and their families

posted onDecember 5, 2014
by l33tdawg

Hackers have struck again at Sony Pictures Entertainment, threatening employees of the studio in a new email obtained by Variety.

The GOP group, which hacked Sony on Nov. 24, said it planned to eradicate all of Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Employees were told to turn off their handheld devices after receiving the message, sources tell Variety. “We are aware of the situation and are working with law enforcement,” a spokesman said in a statement.

Sony Pictures hack gets uglier; North Korea won’t deny responsibility

posted onDecember 3, 2014
by l33tdawg

More evidence has emerged that makes the Sony Pictures hack look similar to a suspected attack on South Korean companies over a year ago. And a spokesperson for the North Korean government, rather than denying his country’s involvement, is playing coy as the damage to Sony appears to be growing daily.

When contacted by the BBC, a spokesperson for North Korea’s mission to the United Nations said, "The hostile forces are relating everything to [North Korea]. I kindly advise you to just wait and see."

Sony secretly set up a crowdfunding page for E-paper watch to analyze interest

posted onNovember 30, 2014
by l33tdawg

​Sony's secret project called FES, which stands for Fashion Electronics, managed to surpass its initial goal of US $17,000 on a Japanese crowdfunding website.

The Fashion Electronics project was first set up in September on the Japanese website, Makuake, but the Sony brand wasn't mentioned as the company wanted to analyze the actual demand of e-ink wearables shown on the website. Within three weeks the initial goal was met and has so far managed to generate $20,000 from 150 backers.

Plane carrying Sony executive forced to land after Lizard Squad claim bomb threat

posted onAugust 26, 2014
by l33tdawg

A plane carrying Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley has been forced to divert and land ahead of schedule after a hacker group used Twitter to claim it had explosives on board.

The hacker group, known as Lizard Squad, had taken to Twitter to gloat about a successful denial of service-style attack on the Sony PlayStation Network over the weekend. The group taunted Sony, gamers and the FBI with a number of claims including that they were attacking Sony for their corporate greed, and that the hacker group was somehow associated with terrorist organisations.