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Red Hat

Mexico City Says Hola to Linux

posted onMarch 16, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Mexico City's municipal government announced plans to switch city computers to the Linux operating system and to use the money it saves to fund social welfare programs.

In an interview with the Mexican daily Reforma, the city's technical coordinator, José Barberán estimated that the municipality would save millions of dollars "that are spent, in my opinion, unnecessarily on software."

Click here for the story from Wired.

Tux in Space

posted onMarch 15, 2001
by hitbsecnews

In between all the bad news about Linux it's nice to see some good like this story about Linux getting used by NASA for satellite control I saw on NewsForge. It is on Linux Today too. This is not some garage dream but a real NASA project run by a real rocket scientist.

NSA Linux In Depth

posted onMarch 10, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Folks over at IBM have an article explaining the intricacies regarding the NSA's SE Linux distribution. Included in the article, are the inner workings of the operating system. its features, design architecture. Definitely a nice article for Linux users (especially SE Linux users). Full The review is in IBM DeveloperWorks.


posted onMarch 1, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Posted at February 23, 2001 01:01 PM Pacific

CORPORATE IT is plagued by a type of
obsessive-compulsive disorder known as DUH -- Dementia
Upgradia Habitua. It manifests itself through the
irrational assumption that the only way a company can
maintain a competitive edge in productivity is to
upgrade everything. Because hardware and software are
continually in a state of change, DUH compels
corporate IT to remain in a continual state of upgrade.

Microsoft vs. Linux Rant

posted onFebruary 17, 2001
by hitbsecnews

I am going to try to put the Linux vs. MS battle to rest. It is a very simple difference between MS and Linux. Linux is for users who would actually like to know how things work. Linux is also for users who like to control their desktop, not have their desktop control them. Windows is for users who do not like to set their own prefrences (the color of your background does not count), and do not wish to see exactly how it does what it does. Windows is for people who do not have much experience with computers, or do not wish to gain more knowledge.

Transmeta to release Mobile Linux!

posted onFebruary 17, 2001
by hitbsecnews

The Transmeta corp., where Linus is a programmer, is set to release Mobile Linux to the open source community in the near future. Transmeta did not specify a timeframe in which this release will take place. This version of Linux will be based on teh Linux kernel, but with much more efficient memory usage. This was a goal for Transmeta since most moblile devices do not sport 128MB of RAM. Transmeta states development of Linux based routers and MP3 playeers are already taking place. This is another leap foward for the open-sourced OS.