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Snowden's "I had the authorities to wiretap anyone" wasn't a lie

posted onAugust 1, 2013
by l33tdawg

While I think the outrage at the NSA's snooping is more than just a little late (most of the broad strokes of the NSA's signals intelligence programs were public over four years ago) it's fascinating how new details keep emerging most notably from UK's The Guardian newspaper, the paper that Edward Snowden leaked the NSA documents to in the first place.

One of the most interesting os these new details is a system the NSA apparently calls "XKeyscore" and its revelation supports one of Snowden's claims that most people found hard to believe:

Weak oversight of NSA may lead to massive location tracking

posted onJuly 24, 2013
by l33tdawg

The National Security Agency (NSA) needs no new court rulings or eavesdropping tools to see how angry Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) is about its conduct and oversight.

In a 45-minute speech at the Center for American Progress, the senator denounced the combination of an "always expanding, omnipresent surveillance state" and a covert corpus of law that hardly restraints it.

Android app keeps NSA abreast of your phone activity

posted onJuly 22, 2013
by l33tdawg

It may well be that the NSA is recording every breath you take, every move you make.

But it's going to take them quite some time to review whether your breaths and moves are, in some way, significant or even troubling.

So along comes an Android app that can help you by forewarning the NSA with "Look! It wasn't me!" I am grateful to Android Central for forewarning me about USA PRISM Plus. Being an Android app, this sprightly invention relies on utter openness. For it takes random shots of your cell phone and sends them to the NSA Careers Twitter account.

Five things Snowden leaks revealed about NSA's original warrantless wiretaps

posted onJuly 10, 2013
by l33tdawg

As stories based on Edward Snowden’s trove of leaked National Security Agency (NSA) documents continue to trickle out, most reporters have focused on what they can tell us about the spy agency’s current or recent surveillance activities. Yet one of the most interesting documents from Snowden’s cache, published in full by The Guardian back in June, sheds new light on the granddaddy of them all: President Bush’s original warrantless wiretap program.

Edward Snowden: 'The US government will say I aided our enemies' - video interview

posted onJuly 9, 2013
by l33tdawg

In the second part of an exclusive interview with Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, former NSA contractor Edward Snowden contemplates the reaction from the US government to his revelations of top-secret documents regarding its spying operations on domestic and foreign internet traffic, email and phone use. This interview was recorded in Hong Kong on 6 June 2013

Fallout from NSA surveillance program disclosures spreads

posted onJuly 9, 2013
by l33tdawg

The fallout from the recent disclosures of the National Security Agency's secret surveillance programs continues to spread.

On Monday, the European Parliament Civil Liberties Commission voted overwhelmingly to investigate the privacy and civil rights implications of the NSA's PRISM and other spy programs on European citizens, and demanded more information on the programs from U.S. authorities.