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Apple joins alliance of tech heavyweights to demand increased NSA transparency

posted onJuly 18, 2013
by l33tdawg

A group of tech titans, including Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook, threw their substantial weight behind a civil rights alliance that will reportedly demand greater transparency regarding the U.S. government's surveillance programs.

Coming one month after a leak revealed the existence of America's PRISM data mining initiative, in which Apple supposedly played a small role, an alliance of 63 public companies, non-profit and trade organizations, and investors are calling for the government to make its operations more transparent. According to AllThingsD, the group will send a letter asking as much on Thursday.

“Basic information about how the government uses its various law enforcement–related investigative authorities has been published for years without any apparent disruption to criminal investigations,” reads a copy of the letter obtained by the publication. “We seek permission for the same information to be made available regarding the government’s national security–related authorities.”



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