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Chunghwa Telecom and Nortel to build WiMAX network in Taiwan

posted onDecember 6, 2006
by hitbsecnews

Chunghwa Telecom and Nortel are teaming up to build Taiwan's first integrated local government WiMAX network in Yilan, providing county-wide broadband wireless access.

As part of the Mobile-Taiwan (M-Taiwan) project, the WiMAX infrastructure will enable broadband wireless access to such services as M-Learning, M-Commerce, and M-Tour, as well as video surveillance and IPTV services. Chunghwa Telecom said that it will work with Nortel to extend the same integrated wireless capabilities to other areas of Taiwan to help bolster the competitiveness of local economies.

EveryDNS, OpenDNS Under Botnet DDoS Attack

posted onDecember 3, 2006
by hitbsecnews

OpenDNS, the San Francisco security startup that runs the PhishTank anti-phishing initiative, has been hit by a massive DDoS (distributed denial-of-service attack).

The 400mbps botnet attack did not affect the company's core recursive DNS resolution service. The home page and corporate blog were crippled for about 90 minutes on Dec. 1.

The attack appears to be targeting EveryDNS, a sibling business owned and operated by OpenDNS CEO David Ulevitch. OpenDNS uses services from EveryDNS.

China launches new interactive broadband network

posted onNovember 21, 2006
by hitbsecnews

A new broadband information network, 3TNet, integrating telecom, Internet, radio and TV, and capable of offering state-of-the-art video on demand services, has been introduced in many regions in China.

After being tested in the Yangtze River Delta, 3TNet is now in operation in many regions, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).

Hutchinson 3 flicks the switch to 3.6Mbps HSDPA

posted onNovember 20, 2006
by hitbsecnews

Hutchison's 3 is set to join the HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access) 3G club, but will leapfrog its competitors by going straight to the turbo-charged HSDPA 3.6Mbps across its entire network.

This doubles the potential throughput of the more common HSDPA 1.8Mbps protocol, which provides the backbone of Vodafone's "business class" 3G broadband service launched last month.

James Toepfer, Business Solutions Specialist with 3 Mobile, told ZDNet Australia that the high-speed service would span "the entire footprint of 3's broadband zone by the end of March 2007".

Purdue Researchers Pioneer Streaming Huge Internet Video

posted onNovember 17, 2006
by hitbsecnews

Purdue University researchers are calling it "HugeTube"--possibly the largest uncompressed video streamed over the Internet.

The 2-minute, 10-gigabyte scientific animation of the cell structure of a bacterium was streamed at a rate of 7.5 gigabits per second, achieving a peak transfer rate of 8.4 gigabits per second. That's sufficient to send 12 DVD movies in the same period of time.

TT dotCom awarded 3G license

posted onNovember 13, 2006
by hitbsecnews

TT dotCom, a wholly-owned subsidiary of TIME dotCom Berhad has been officially issued with a 3G spectrum license, assignment by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). The IMT-2000 UMTS spectrum assignment covers the 1965-1980 MHz, 2155-2170 MHz and 2010-2015 MHz frequency bands. The licence is valid for the period of 8 November 2006 to 1 April 2018.

8Mbit/s ADSL to be available through all Australian ISPs

posted onNovember 9, 2006
by hitbsecnews

Telstra has announced it will make speeds of 8Mbit/s available everywhere there is ADSL coverage, and to any ISP currently selling services on Telstra's network.

Group Managing Director of Telstra Wholesale, Kate McKenzie, said it would be the most widely available wholesale high-speed service delivered over a fixed network in Australia.

"We are excited to bring to market a national high-speed service which will give end-users of our customers access to higher broadband speeds across more than 2400 exchanges in our national network," Ms McKenzie said.

Do you know what on your network?

posted onNovember 8, 2006
by hitbsecnews

The information security officer for a network of healthcare centres in New York found an employee sending confidential payroll information to a recruiter. A California-based semiconductor manufacturing technology provider caught a worker e-mailing PowerPoint slides detailing product plans to a former colleague at a competitor to show off the "cool things" he was working on. A network administrator for a school district in Indiana nabbed a student trying to finagle school lunch account information stored on an off-limits server. suffering a massive DDoS

posted onOctober 28, 2006
by hitbsecnews

It appears that one of the largest DNS servers / hosting providers have suffered a massive distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). HITB's DNS is provided by Xname, as such, users may have difficulities connecting to * and * for the time being. Here's the notice from the site:

Orange suffers broadband failure

posted onOctober 17, 2006
by hitbsecnews

Telecoms operator Orange says that a major outage on its network has left a number of its broadband customers unable to connect to the internet.

The problem apparently affects those originally on the Wanado service, which had been purchased by Orange.

Orange has over 2 million broadband subscribers, but won?t say how many have been affected. The company does state that only those customers on LLU loops are currently offline.

While it?s not unreasonable to expect technical problems to impact ISP?s, the scale of the existing problem is surprising.