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Purdue Researchers Pioneer Streaming Huge Internet Video

posted onNovember 17, 2006
by hitbsecnews

Purdue University researchers are calling it "HugeTube"--possibly the largest uncompressed video streamed over the Internet.

The 2-minute, 10-gigabyte scientific animation of the cell structure of a bacterium was streamed at a rate of 7.5 gigabits per second, achieving a peak transfer rate of 8.4 gigabits per second. That's sufficient to send 12 DVD movies in the same period of time.

"At the moment, that amount of bandwidth is more than what you could get for your home," says Laura Arns, associate director of the Envision Center at Purdue, who notes that businesses and other institutions will likely be the first to benefit from her group's research. "But in the future, it could be a possibility [for consumers]."

A more likely near-term applicationmight be real-time delivery of digital motion pictures to movie theaters, Arn suggests.




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