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Desirable Undesirables

posted onJune 6, 2001
by hitbsecnews

"last night, I stayed up until 6 o'clock figuring out how to do this,"
says Riley "Caezar" Eller, a slender and bookish 27-year-old.
Scribbling furiously on a dry-erase board covered with boxy diagrams
representing a pair of networked computers, Eller maps out a novel
cyberattack-a method of disabling a supposedly impregnable system

An Interview with WoH (World of Hell)

posted onJune 5, 2001
by hitbsecnews

This is an interview done by our partners SNP with WoH.
Well in this interview you get an insight
on many things to come. They discuss the
future hacking programs and much more all
the way to the social life of WoH members. Check it out... a fairly interesting read.

Hackers. Can they be Trusted?

posted onJune 5, 2001
by hitbsecnews

The computer-security world is divided when it comes to who
belongs in the profession and who doesn't.

Should security companies hire hackers? Or are they better
off steering clear of the computer underground? We put the
question to a pair of veteran security consultants.

By: Brendan I. Koerner
Title: showdown at hacker gulch

Hacking threat rises with high-tech layoffs

posted onJune 4, 2001
by hitbsecnews

When someone cracked's computer system, altered customer accounts and deleted important databases, the Internet service provider didn't need to look far to find the attacker.

It wasn't a criminal outfit seeking credit card numbers, and it wasn't a scrawny whiz kid hacking away for a challenge in his dark bedroom.

Chronicles of a security expert's DDoS'd website

posted onJune 3, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Steve Gibson (of GRC.COM fame) has written a great article that chronicles his
site getting DDoS'd and what he did to prevent it. He goes into great detail about
everything he did, and the outcome of all the events. Anyone even remotely
interested in Internet security and privacy should take a gander at this remarkable
piece of work.

Full Story.

Most Critical Internet Security Threats - From SANS

posted onJune 3, 2001
by hitbsecnews

In a retroflective article, the SANS Top 10 critical vulnerabilities for the year
2000 was republished. Although it does not reflect the most current vulnerabilities
or exploits, it does serve to let you see where everyone was as of January 2001
when this listing was last updated. And here on SNPortal we have brought the list
back for your look on what the hot issues were just five months ago...

Hackers Target College Computers for WaReZ distribution

posted onJune 3, 2001
by hitbsecnews

WASHINGTON (AP) - Dave Dittrich
is not happy: A software pirate
has hacked into computers at
the University of Washington
and installed a file-sharing
program on one machine. It
means one-stop shopping for
stolen - and now free -
software, and plenty of
headaches for Dittrich, the

Who's Reading Your Instant Messages?

posted onMay 31, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Instant messaging may be a handy and quick communications tool, but experts on
the technology warn that it's also a security risk--vulnerable to eavesdropping and even physical

By Tom Spring
PC World, 05/25/01

Instant messaging may be a handy and quick communications tool, but experts on the technology warn that it's also a security risk--vulnerable to eavesdropping and even physical tracking.