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An Interview with WoH (World of Hell)

posted onJune 5, 2001
by hitbsecnews

This is an interview done by our partners SNP with WoH.
Well in this interview you get an insight
on many things to come. They discuss the
future hacking programs and much more all
the way to the social life of WoH members. Check it out... a fairly interesting read.

Before reading this you MUST understand that SNPortal is not a hacker news site and does NOT condone hacker activity. This is a site for those interested in security and hacking news stories. We are a source of information for the security niche. We just support freedom of speech which other news sites didn't get to have a scoop on. WoH loves our site and we love them coming to our site. That's all!

1. What do you think about the Internet being used as a battlefield? Like
the US-China war that just took place online.

n0|d: I think is rather lame, first off the Internet wasn't made to be a battle-field.
Second off the Internet is a place where freedom of speech was supposed to be
allowed, however at this point its rather harsh to know that its NOT. If
some lame Chinese wants to use it as a battlefield then all I have to say is
let them do it and get their fame from it. Anyways we did kicked their butt on the
deal :)

theslacker: I think the Internet is a formidable battle field, although few people out there really have the skill to use it as a battle field. Defacing does little but put a message accross. In the future hackers whether on their own or governmentally supported will be used in battle tactics from gaining access to enemy computers to taking down foriegn ISP's.

cowhead2000: I don't think the Internet is a battle field at all, some ppl may look at it that way, but the way i see it on a battle field people die for something, on the internet when stuff like that happens the only thing that gets hurt is someone's pride (Sebastian:hackers who lose). And little "cyberwars" like that aren't anything, it's that just some people can't stand being humiliated and go crazy when minor stuff happens. Defacing sites doesn't do anything, and sure as hell won't win a war. And I'm sure I could ramble on about this more, but I'm gonna stop now.

Sebastian: Well it's true that we should never make the Internet as a battlefield, but these cyber-wars are actually nothing to be worried about. It's just mass defacing, that's all. But it can get serious if government appointed hackers are to steal information off servers of other countries.

2. What kind of new hacker technology can we expect in the future? Will
there be Artificial Intelligence (AI) hacking programs which include DDoS and
many more?

n0|d: I think there will be some programs that will allow anyone to hack, the so called
point and click hacking (eyeIS) program like such are made for the admin use however
Kiddies (wanna be hackers) use such programs to cause damage to businesses and other
Internet sites that are out there with no protection. AI in the hacking world sounds rather
impossible, since AI is a whole different field where humans try to make a computer
think and do things such as a human being. This will not happen in the
hacker world for awhile. All hacks are different and take a lot of thinking to do it, and at this point AI can't succeed at such thing.

theslacker: I think it will become more advanced, just like that one thing that defaced sites for an anti poizonbox group, that infected a solaris box which then scanned for unicode vulnerable boxes and defaced those and then defaced the solaris box. Programs are becoming more advanced allowing anyone to hack... especially deface, nowadays any 12 year old kid can hop on the computer and within a few days be able to deface a website. So in the future I see more and more hackers creating programs making it easier for them to hack... although whether these programs will be released I don't know. AI will definitely come in the stage but that will probably be well into the future.

cowhead2000: I don't know, I was talking to n0|d about makin a voice activated hacking program. So you could like talk into the microphone and say "scan" and it will tell you the vulnerabilities on it, then you can say something like "run statdx on" and it will compile and run it on the server and shit. And once it runs everything will be voice activated, it's really complicated, but easy to use, and everyone should be able to hack with it. If anyone is interested in making it or helping contact me or n0|d.

Sebastian: I wrote an article about this, in regards of AI being used in tomorrow's hacking programs. Well we wouldn't know until the future becomes the present. :(

3. How long has World of Hell been active in the defacement scene?

n0|d: WoH started in March of 2000, mainly not to deface but to show how weak security is in the Internet as well as how insecure some of the worlds largest companies are.

theslacker: WoH appeared in early March... although many of our members have been actively involved in the defacing scene.

cowhead2000: Since around the middle of March I think.

4. Who are the other hackers or defacers which you look up to or think are
far much more superior than you?

n0|d: I really don't have an answer for that, I do take into consideration some of the programmers out there who are not called as hackers but are perhaps the smartest people on Earth and no one takes them into consideration.

theslacker: Personally I don't look up to any defacers, being able to deface really means nothing, most defacers are out there to show up on the mirrors, we were around just to show how insecure the major comanies of the world are. There are a few hackers that I look up to, cDc however seems to be the group of hackers that I respect most.

cowhead2000: Just about all of them, I'm not that great.

5. What's the best thing about defacing *.gov or *.mil domains? Do you get
to see any files which are "top secret"?

n0|d: As most of us know web servers such as *.gov and *.mil holds nothing but information on their website however not all of them, I could say I have seem some information that the *.gov would not have appreciated such as logs and other interesting things, but again for the most part its just a web server.

theslacker: I personally don't hack into *.gov or *.mil, I have hacked a few foreign *.gov and *.mil sites, but I had something against the *.gov and left a message explaining why they got defaced by me.

cowhead2000: No... no top secret files... :( the best thing is telling friends and people that can't hack stuff like "i hax0rd a .gov!!!!!!!!!!!" And they like worship you and stuff .

Sebastian: Wow! Getting respected by peers cause you hacked into a few *.gov and *mil sites... :) You guys forgot to say something. Porn material is something that you always find in these *.gov or *.mil sites besides HTML and databases. :P

6. If there was one thing about Internet security that you would like to
change, what would that be?

n0|d: I am not supposed to talk about this yet, however there is a new exploit been coded
on the DNS refresh rate that will cause major defect on the Internet, basically
its one of those things humans whished they did not invent :)

Sebastian: Well I think this exploit should never be released! Keep it under cover always!

theslacker: I would make it mandatory to keep security up-to-date, and that you could not host your site on a Windows server, because they are so damn easy to hack... like what was said on our last defacement the other night on We recommend that you switch to Openbsd or Freebsd, two of the more secure operating systems, and most of the script kiddie defacers don't know how to hack these OS's, so they will skip right past it and look for some vulnerable mom and pop website in a foreign country.

cowhead2000: I wouldn't change anything, I like it the way it is, it's slowly starting to get more secure which is good for hackers/defacers making stuff more fun and challenging, but if everything was perfectly secured there would be no hacking and my life would be boring since all I do is sit on my computer, and if there wasn't enough security everything would be too easy and wouldn't be any fun anymore.

7. What do you guys or girls do when you all are not hacking or defacing?
Going to the movies, or going out with loved ones..

n0|d: I have a lot of hobbies I enjoy doing, such as R/C Airplanes and computer gaming. I would say we do normal things that anyone in their right mind would do, go out on the weekends have a little fun with a girlfriend and so on.

theslacker: I play the guitar in a band, I go out and chill with friends, go camping... and I code.

cowhead2000: I occasionally go to some friends and we play ad&d at least twice a week.... thats about it, every other time I just sit here in front of my computer..and I wish I had a "loved one" *hint: yes ladies, that does mean im avilable, so young females(preferably between the ages 14 and 17) can email me at*

Sebastian: Well some of us have loved ones and others don't. Sometimes it sucks and at other times it doesn't. Don't worry cowhead2000, you'll find a perfect gal of your dreams... hopefully through SNPortal... :)

8. Sometimes we say the weakest link in a system's security is human error
or mistakes made by humans which are ourselves, what do you think about this

n0|d: I totally agree with the above statement, most of the error or security flaws found today are based on past human errors such as the buffer over flow in the NT IIS 4/5 server. It's hard to believe but in my opinion I really think that the coder responsible for that did it so he could take advantages of the systems running NT now, however that is just what I think mainly because how the buffer works is just perfect to be a mistake.

theslacker: I think it is a lazy admin, take the admin for MCA records, we easily hacked into his server, emailed him about how to secure it, and never got a response, one month later we once again hacked in using the same tricks, it appears he was too lazy to patch his server even after we had alerted him, after threatening to deface the sites on the server (some being and among other pupular MCA record artists), the next day he patched his server, still not emailing us back to thank us on alerting him to his weakness. I mean its all just lazy admins who are not up-to-date on security issues.

cowhead2000: I think humans are the cause, if admins would actually read and learn to secure their servers and update them and patch them when needed would make stuff alot more secure. It's ridiculous how much stuff is still vulnerable to msadc.

Sebastian: Human error is something of a really serious issue.

9. In all the systems you defaced, what do you think makes the systems so
vulnerable overall? Is it the configuration or because most of the systems
are MS.

n0|d: It's nothing like that, the reason why systems are defaced or hacked, is because of the lack of knowledge system administrators have on Internet security and how lazy some of them can be by not going on the web and download a fix for the so-called hole.

theslacker: Every system is vulnerable, just depends on how much time is spent looking for new vulnerabilities or ones already found, the odds are if you keep up-to-date on all known vulnerabilities, you run a much lower chance of being hit by unreleased vulnerabilities.

cowhead2000: What's most vulnerable about them is that the admins dont know enough about security and don't patch their machines when the patch comes out.

Sebastian: Microsoft=No comment!

hr noshade>

10. If you would like to dedicate all your defacements to someone who would
that person be? And why?

n0|d: Bill Gates, because I think he is one of the smartest guy on earth.

theslacker: I like to dedicate all my defacements to JP of AntiOnline because he is a lazy asshole who thinks he can hack but can't, and I also dedicate my defacements to all the people out there fighting for Internet freedom.

cowhead2000: Probably all my female friends. I love spending time with them more then anything else, even though all of them have b/f's so I cant do anything with them, but we still hang out and talk all the time.

11. What's the best thing about hacking or defacing? Answer this based on
your personal feeling. Why?

n0|d: The rush, adrenaline the so called natural drugs that a body can feel when doing something that you know its illegal, but you still do it for the rush and the adrenaline again and again?

theslacker: I like the fact that you can get your message out to people, especially to a government if you hack alot of their *.gov sites.

cowhead2000: The best thing about it is it kills boredom. It's so boring idling on IRC for 8 hours a day. And it's cool to look at some of the weird stuff you can find on some servers you hack that shouldn't be there :/

12. To end it off, what are your last words and what websites do you like to
visit when you are surfing?

n0|d: Last words are if you are going to run an online store or anything where Credit Card numbers could be stolen and so far, please be smart to use the best systems there are as well as making sure to hire someone with skills that can keep up with security so the business won't get jeopardized. Believe it or not, I don't surf the web all that much, but here are a couple of sites I like to check out ones in a while, all the top security sites of course, as well as some personal sites and such.

theslacker: My daily list of sites to visit are (gotta check on our own site ya know) always checkin on you guys aswell, Some sites I never go to are and because they are lame.

cowhead2000: Last words... ermm.... thanx, this interview was pimp, and I like to visit atleast twice a day :)

Sebastian: Thanks guys, great interview.... and thanks for supporting our site in your community.





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