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Hackers could start abusing electric car chargers to cripple the grid

posted onApril 15, 2013
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: Ofer's slides along with all other presentation materials can be downloaded from

Hackers could use vulnerable charging stations to prevent the charging of electric vehicles in a certain area, or possibly even use the vulnerabilities to cripple parts of the electricity grid, a security researcher said during the Hack in the Box conference in Amsterdam on Thursday.

Beyond TSA checkpoints: Weaponizing everyday items sold in airports

posted onApril 15, 2013
by l33tdawg

So if the TSA confiscated your dangerous tube of toothpaste over 3 ounces, or perhaps took possession of another object on the prohibited items list, it’s all “for the safety and security of the traveling public.” Right? Well the answer is no, not so much, especially after seeing a presentation that showed just how easily a person can make a weapon after going through TSA airport security.

Hacks to turn your wireless IP surveillance cameras against you

posted onApril 15, 2013
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: Presentation slides from Sergey and Artem's #HITB2013AMS presentation is here.

Sergey Shekyan and Artem Harutyunyan, researchers from the security firm Qualys, said the search engine Shodan shows about 100,000 wireless IP cameras that have "little or no emphasis on security." At the recent Hack in the Box security conference in Amsterdam, the researchers presented,

Google extends travel and conference grant for female scientists attending #HITB2013AMS

posted onMarch 7, 2013
by l33tdawg

As part of Google's ongoing commitment to encourage women to excel in computing and technology, Google is once again offering two female computer scientists passes to next month's HITB Security Conference in Amsterdam.

The Google EMEA Travel and Conference Grant offers winners:

  •     Free registration for the conference (10th and 11th April worth EUR1299)
  •     Up to 1000 EUR towards travel costs

To be eligible for a conference grant, the candidate must:

Security Bigwigs to Deliver Keynote at HITB Security Conference in Amsterdam

posted onMarch 1, 2013
by l33tdawg

Amsterdam, 1 March: Edward Schwartz, Chief Information Security Officer at global information security giant, RSA, will be delivering his Day 1 keynote address on “Embracing the Uncertainty of Advanced Attacks with Big Data Analytics“ at the annual HITB Security Conference in Amsterdam on the 10th of April.

Sogeti Invites Hackers to Test Their Social Engineering Skills at HITB 2013 Amsterdam

posted onFebruary 26, 2013
by l33tdawg

Hack in the Box 2013 Amsterdam (HITB2013AMS) will host all sorts of interesting talks and competitions. One of these competitions is the Sogeti Social Engineering Challenge 2013.

Sogeti aims at raising awareness among organizations on the importance of effective security policies that can help them avoid reputation-damaging incidents and privacy issues.

First set of #HITB2013AMS Presentations Promise 0-days and Crazy Exploits

posted onFebruary 21, 2013
by l33tdawg

The first set of 10 preesntations and 2 lab sessions scheduled for #HITB2013AMS have been announced and they're packed to the brim with hack-fu goodness! From the initial list, there's definitely going to be somethng for everyone with presentations on remotely hacking aircrafts to a full blown 0-day exploit affecting all versions of Microsoft Windows.