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A bug by any other name

posted onMay 8, 2013
by l33tdawg

ry as it might, Chinese telecom equipment maker Huawei Technologies just can’t shake perceptions that its equipment may serve as a virtual Trojan horse for Chinese electronic intelligence gathering.

For the last two years, Huawei’s defining challenge in the United States has not been tough competition from worldwide giants such as Cisco Systems but rather roadblocks set up by US lawmakers, suspicious of the company’s alleged connections to the People’s Liberation Army. Doubts linger despite no definitive public evidence that Huawei could be complicit in hacking.

Pentagon accuses Chinese government of hacking and hacking again

posted onMay 7, 2013
by l33tdawg

The Pentagon pointed an accusing finger at China today in its annual report to Congress, saying the country and its government are trying to gain insight into U.S. secrets.

Specifically, the report says China wants to improve its own technology and is also looking to get a read on how the U.S. government feels about China internally, according to the Wall Street Journal. It’s a strong statement for the Pentagon, which is very direct about the use of hacking in its report.

China's internet security giant Qihoo planning global domination

posted onMay 7, 2013
by l33tdawg

Controversial Chinese software vendor Qihoo 360 has its eyes on world domination after controversial founder Zhou Hongyi told the local press he wants to turn the firm into the planet’s biggest web security biz.

Qihoo made its name flogging free AV to bargain-seeking Chinese punters and has since gone on to build a successful business around products in several related areas including web browsing, search and internet portals.

Chinese "spy" caught with NASA porn

posted onMay 6, 2013
by l33tdawg

A Chinese man who was suspected of spying on NASA was pulled off a plane with a stolen laptop.  But instead of the expected state secrets, the laptop was packed full of porn.

Bo Jiang was headed for China with a NASA laptop which counterintelligence spooks expected to contain spectacular details on "huge thrusters," "rings around Uranus" and the "conquest of the outer rim".

Taiwan: China's cyberarmy shifting target to think tanks, telcos

posted onApril 29, 2013
by l33tdawg

Taiwan's National Security Bureau (NSB) has released a report which states China's cyberarmy has grown and shifted to targets its think tanks and critical infrastructure.

According to The Taipei Times on Sunday, the report to be presented at a legislative hearing with the Ministry of National Defense and Criminal Investigation Bureau officials on Monday, states that since 2002, China had expanded its cyberarmy and now has more than 100,000 people working for it.

Apple loses again in Chinese App Store copyright case

posted onApril 26, 2013
by l33tdawg

Apple has lost another copyright case in China after it was held responsible for content third parties uploaded to the bookish corner of its App Store.

The company was ordered to pay three Chinese writers more than 730,000 yuan (£76,600) in compensation after allowing their content to be uploaded and sold on the App Store without first seeking permission, according to China Daily.

Chinese iOS pirate Kuaiyong launches web app store

posted onApril 17, 2013
by l33tdawg

A Chinese group which has made it its mission to take a bite out of Apple’s iTunes revenue share is at it again, launching a full web version of its iOS app store jam-packed with pirated content.

Chinese language app Kuayiong was originally launched at the tail end of last year to fill the gap left by the equally dodgy jailbreak app Installous.

'Chinese hackers' deface Philippines news website

posted onApril 16, 2013
by l33tdawg

Suspected Chinese hackers defaced the website of the Philippines News Agency (PNA) on Sunday, officials said, a possible repeat of cyber attacks last year also blamed on China during a territorial row.

The state-run agency's website temporarily displayed the Chinese flag and the text: "China Hacker EvilShadow Team, We are evil shadow. We are the team. We have our own dignity China Hacker Lxxker."