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wu-ftpd 2.6.1(1) on linux Exploit

posted onMarch 8, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Posted to BugTraq:


this is an exploit for wu-ftpd 2.6.1(1) on linux
propz to segv for giving this to me

bringin' you the 0day from the hackweiser crew, australian


The full text follows in the read more link...
Note: Be advised that no code review has been made, compile and execute at your own risk!


* Linux wu-ftpd - 2.6.1(1)
* DiGiT


Beware the NakedWife worm.

posted onMarch 7, 2001
by hitbsecnews

NakedWife is a new VBS worm that is spreading rapidly via e-mail. NakedWife (alias JibJab) also deletes important files from your Windows and System folders. Here's what it looks like when it arrives in your Inbox:

NakedWife arrives as an e-mail with the following:

Subject: FW: Naked Wife

Body: My wife never look like that :)
Best Regards,

First peer-to-peer virus hits

posted onFebruary 28, 2001
by hitbsecnews

FILE-SWAPPING ON THE Internet hit a sour note Tuesday with the appearance of a virus that attacks users of the Gnutella file-sharing service, and several anti-virus vendors say it is the first virus to affect peer-to-peer communications.

Named W32/Gnuman.worm, or by the alias Mandragore, the malicious file poses as an ordinary, requested media file. This masked file, however, is actually an .exe file that infects a user's computer once the program is run, according to statements from a variety of anti-virus software vendors.

Anna Worm Writer Surrenders

posted onFebruary 15, 2001
by hitbsecnews

It seems all the attention got to 'OnTheFly.' Wired is running this story on the 20 year old Dutchman's surrender. It seems he wrote the virus on one of those nifty downloadable kits that were spotlighted earlier on HITB. Lesson of the day: if you're going to write viruses, be careful what you do with them, or at least have a contingency plan for unexpected consequences.

Anna Worm Writer Tells All

posted onFebruary 14, 2001
by hitbsecnews

"A man from the Netherlands has admitted to writing and distributing the virulent but short-lived "AnnaKournikova" e-mail worm that infected thousands of computers on Monday.

He also says he regrets it and vows never to write another one again."

Basically 'OnTheFly' says that he wrote the virus to teach the internet users of the world a lesson. Thanks a bunch. You will note that (l)user ignorance causes the problem, but sysadmins get stuck with the clean-up. Boy am I glad I have learned Fly's lesson: My users are stoopid. I feel enlightened.

Anna Virus Created by an idiot

posted onFebruary 13, 2001
by hitbsecnews

The anna virus was created using a point and click program. This is pathetic, at least with viruses you used to have to program your own. Now we will have a bunch of 11 year olds making the next Barney virus. Here is a screenshot of the program.

Read more here

Virus Alert: Anna

posted onFebruary 13, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Here she comes... Anna virus, a VBScript variant virii, and I myself have seen it in my email this morning. Rapidly spreading on the net the Anna 'worm' which is polymorphic, ever changing so virus software can't detect it, acts similiar to other VBS worms in that it emails your entire address book upon opening but does no damage to your computer. More here.

The Love Bug the Media Won't Let Die

posted onFebruary 7, 2001
by hitbsecnews

The Chicago Tribune is running an expose on the Love Bug. I'll include an excerpt so you get the idea:

MANILA -- Welcome to hackers' paradise, where cyberspace is a battleground, computers are fortresses that rival gangs try to wipe out with sophisticated viruses and Onel de Guzman, the suspected author of the "love bug," is revered as "The Terminator."