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File-swapping 'Madster' must track songs

posted onNovember 2, 2002
by hitbsecnews


The file-sharing service Madster must keep a list of songs available through the system as part of a court order to block access to copyright works.

U.S. District Judge Marvin Aspen in Chicago granted a preliminary injunction against the service Sept. 4. The judge sided with recording company officials who claimed Albany-based Madster violated copyright law just as Napster had before it.

Winamp3 3.0 Alpha Build #490 released

posted onOctober 31, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: Beta News

Nullsoft Winamp is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity music player for Windows. Winamp supports MP3, CD, Audiosoft, Audio Explosion, MOD, WAV and other audio formats, custom appearances called skins, plus audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins. Version 3 includes many additional features including free-form skins, a new decoder, built-in cross fade, and an advanced Media Library.

Freenet Returns

posted onOctober 29, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Presently available in Windows, Linux, and the Apple Macintosh vesions, Freenet is back, returning today with its first new version in 14 months.

Whitney's New Album Leaked One Month Early

posted onOctober 28, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: FOX News

It's all over the Web: Whitney Houston's new album, Just Whitney... It was leaked in its entirety sometime over the weekend to lots of Web sites and downloading services. It can be burned onto CDs, distributed for free and will likely turn up on street corners before the end of this week.

The record industry, in other words, is about to sink like the Titanic. Houston was paid $100 million by Arista Records last year in a new deal that includes this album.

Apple iPod on Target for 4 million Units

posted onOctober 26, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Right now the iPod claims 15% of the total digital player market. Apple is now on target to sell 4 million units total since its release. If we take an average of $400 a unit, that means 1.6 billion dollars in revenue for the company.

MediaFarce - ever alert!

posted onOctober 25, 2002
by hitbsecnews

MediaFarce, the self-appointed, remora-like movie industry p2p cop which at the beginning of October singled out a Canadian Grokster fan for its attentions, is at it again, this time targetting Erik DeSart, a US KaZaA / FastTrack user.

Raising the Barriers to Entry

posted onOctober 22, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Despite their cries of piracy, file trading is not what the record industry fears. What they fear is competition, something the Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) figured out with regard to the Internet long before they ever took Napster to trial. The Internet has lowered the barriers of entry for Netizens by serving as a cheap pipeline that the average Joe with nothing but a PC, some software and Web access could leverage to reach an audience the record industry has to spend millions to access.

'Uncensored' book tells tales from backstage

posted onOctober 20, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: MSN

Yeah, that's the ticket—SNL was the show that was unafraid to call a prick a prick. It was tough yuks—made by the pricks, of the pricks, for the pricks. It was also a prick-up-your-ears for complacent society—remember those Michael O'Donoghue skits about getting blinded by needles?

MusicUnited - New propaganda site from the record industry

posted onOctober 9, 2002
by hitbsecnews

What is? "The unauthorized reproduction and distribution of copyrighted music is JUST AS ILLEGAL AS SHOPLIFTING A CD. Burning CD’s from peer-to-peer networks like KaZaA, Morpheus or Gnutella is against the law." At least, millionaire 'working people' Madonna, Elton John, Eminem, Sheryl Crow, Jay Z, Lenny Kravitz and 84 others apparently think so, says musicunited, a new entertainment industry site.