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Proposed European Commission Directive Leaves File Traders Alone

posted onFebruary 3, 2003
by hitbsecnews

The European Commission dealing with the issue of file trading presented a draft of a proposed directive last week. Looking to find a balance between copyright holder's right to control the content they own and the fair use rights of consumers the most distinct aspect of the directive is that it lets file traders off the hook for criminal liability when they trade.

The Future of WinMX

posted onJanuary 27, 2003
by hitbsecnews

Thomas Mennecke of Slyck and notoriety has posted this interview on both sites with Frontcode Technologies President Kevin Hearn about the future of WinMX . Overall a number of refinements due for the coming year including URL linking and a new network protocol.

Thoughts on RIAA's Court Win to ID Kazaa User

posted onJanuary 24, 2003
by hitbsecnews

What caught my eye when I first read about the record industry's attempt
to ID and prosecute a KaZaa user for trading music files is how average he or she seems to be. The profile that Declan McCullagh offers on the individual in his article "RIAA wins battle to ID Kazaa user" is quite sparse, and yet is still telling.

Big enemy of music-swapping resigns

posted onJanuary 23, 2003
by hitbsecnews

Hilary Rosen, the U.S. recording industry's head lobbyist who waged a high-profile battle against Napster and music piracy, is resigning at the end of the year.

Check it all out here.

More KaZaA Lite Updates

posted onJanuary 20, 2003
by hitbsecnews

KaZaA Lite has always been a popular force in the FastTrack community. However, its presence has been somewhat troublesome for Sharman Networks, the spearhead of this enormous network.

New bill calls for drastic changes to DCMA

posted onJanuary 17, 2003
by hitbsecnews

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), the brainchild of the Big Five American record labels and enacted to serve them, the movie studios and book publishers, will be radically amended to protect users if US representatives Rick Boucher (D-VA), John Doolittle (R-CA), Spencer Bachus (R-AL) and Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) have their way.

RIAA: "Claim a hoax"

posted onJanuary 16, 2003
by hitbsecnews

Source: RT NEWS

Claims that the music industry hired a group of hackers to create a worm to infect peer-to-peer networks are being dismissed by security experts.

The MP3 Winners of 2002

posted onJanuary 6, 2003
by hitbsecnews

The first of a two part year in review, MP3 Newswire is running their annual winners list in digital media. Part two covers the year's losers and will be out next. web site - hacked again....

posted onDecember 31, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: The Register

According to an official statement issued by the Recording Industry Association of America today, "I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner … do you eat cheese?"

Which is pretty bizarre even by the standards set by the RIAA's recent communications.