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Face to face with Kim Dotcom as he launches Mega, talks about Megakey and the future of free content

posted onJanuary 21, 2013
by l33tdawg

If there’s one place that you want to be for the launch of, it’s within Kim Dotcom’s mansion. That’s precisely where I’ve been today. Sure we knew that Dotcom was larger than life, but actually being at the mansion is a different story. Elaborate statues and expensive pieces of art, giant kitchen sized fish tanks and sprawling pools. It’s an incredible sight.

John McAfee goes Hollywood with Warner Bros. movie deal

posted onJanuary 15, 2013
by l33tdawg

The story of antivirus pioneer–cum–blogging fugitive John McAfee could soon hit the big screen, with Warner Bros. reportedly having optioned the tale for a possible feature film.

This isn't the first time McAfee has been approached about a movie based on his exploits. In December, he inked a deal for the rights to his story with Montreal-based production company Impact Future Media. Vice magazine, which covered his flight from his home in Belize, was reportedly also interested in developing a film.

pod2g Releases podDJ App To The App Store

posted onJanuary 14, 2013
by l33tdawg

iOS hacker pod2g has just released his first officially supported iOS app into the App Store. This app goes under the name podDJ and allows you to DJ on your iPad.

You can scratch digital records directly from your iTunes library with full equalizer control and full BPM control. If you have a Numark iDJ Live software controller, it’ll work flawlessly with podDJ. Because of all of these features, the application claims to be “the only application of the App Store with which you can truly scratch on your iPad thanks to a brilliant touch to sound reactivity.”

Raspberry Pi reaches critical mass as XBMC hardware

posted onNovember 21, 2012
by l33tdawg

For years I’ve been dreaming of a streaming media device that could just be stuck to the back of a television. Since XBMC has been far and away my favorite set-top box software, I’ve closely monitored hardware developments that can run that package. Now I think it’s time to declare that the Raspberry Pi has achieved the base specifications to be branded the XBMC device that rules them all.

Apple confirms iTunes overhaul delayed until late November

posted onOctober 30, 2012
by l33tdawg

Apple announced on Tuesday that it will be pushing back the launch of iTunes 11 until November, citing unexpected delays and the desire to "get it right."

The news comes after Apple in September said the new media purchasing and management hub would be ready for rollout later in October, but now the company is delaying release until some time in November, reports AllThingsD.

Google Says It Won’t 'Manually' Review YouTube Vids for Infringement

posted onOctober 5, 2012
by l33tdawg

Google-owned YouTube on Thursday corrected a statement it made the day before, and now says the company will not manually review copyright-infringement claims before its system automatically blocks disputed footage.

The mishap occurred when Thabet Alfishawi, rights management product manager for YouTube, wrote in a YouTube blog post: “We’ve improved the algorithms that identify potentially invalid claims. We stop these claims from automatically affecting user videos and place them in a queue to be manually reviewed.”

Assange movie portrays hero as cold war rebel

posted onOctober 4, 2012
by l33tdawg

A car passes through a foggy, forest. In the back seat, memories wash through a floppy-haired teenaged boy's mind. He recalls another night drive, one on which his mother spirited him away before a stepfather could despatch him to live on a creepy cult's hidden commune.

Years later the family emerges from the same car and unpacks its belongings in a house the mother proclaims “cannot be seen from the road”. The teenager opens his suitcase and removes his prize possession: a Commodore 64.

Assange movie debuts this weekend

posted onSeptember 7, 2012
by l33tdawg

Julian Assange continues to insist that Australia's government has done him no favours, but his nation of birth has supported his cause in one, indirect, way.

Screen Australia, the Australian federal government’s national movie-funding-and-promotion agency, is one of the key production finance investors for the Australian-made biopic, Underground, that traces the WikiLeaks founder’s formative years as a teenage hacker.

Hackitat - A film about global political hacktivists

posted onSeptember 5, 2012
by l33tdawg

On the 29th of November 2009 Malmö's hackerspace Forskningsavdelningen was raided by masked riot police.

Armed with batons and pepper spay they stormed the social center where the hackerspace housed. Among the policemen were people specializing in IT.

One of the people detained was a hacker named mackt. With a background in The Pirate Bay, for him the raid was yet another proof of society’s mistrust and lack of understanding of hacker culture.