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Why Google Glass is the next frontier for developers

posted onJuly 9, 2012
by l33tdawg

When Google co-founder Sergey Brin demoed Google Glass, the search giant's attempt to build a next-generation wearable computer, with skydivers live streaming their descent, it became very clear that Glass wasn't some side project -- it was Google's future.

Glass won't be available to consumers until 2014, but a select group of developers will have the chance to purchase the "Explorer" edition of Glass in early 2013.

Why is Google giving Glass to developers more than a year before its consumer debut? Simple: Google wants to turn Glass into the next major developer platform. Many developer platforms have launched in the last five years, but two stand out for the impact they've created on the developer community and the world economy. The first was the launch of the Facebook Platform back in 2007, and the second was the release of the iPhone App Store in 2008.



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