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Google gets patent to make Glass look like ordinary specs

posted onAugust 22, 2014
by l33tdawg

Google appears to be redesigning Glass to make the wearable computer look less nerdy and more like ordinary eyeglasses.

With the company's computerized eyeglasses, users can take photos and video, view maps and weather reports and read news stories with a tiny see-through display screen that sits above the user's right eye.

Android Wear smartwatches make Google Glass obsolete

posted onJune 30, 2014
by l33tdawg

It seems like every post about Google Glass is dripping with bias either for or against the device, so before we get into it here's a little transparency: I'm Google Glass Explorer #1499. I paid $1500 of my own money to get Glass, and I've owned the device for over a year. I thought Glass was really amazing when it first showed up, and I wrote a review after about a month and half of ownership. Once the novelty wore off though, Glass spent most of its life in a drawer, only to occasionally be dusted off to try out the newest update.

Google unleashes a slew of new Glass apps

posted onJune 25, 2014
by l33tdawg

Google is steadily increasing Google Glass' cache of apps. The company announced Tuesday that it has made 11 new apps available on the device, including Shazam, Duolingo, Livestream, Runtastic, and more.

A handful of the new Glassware apps are exercise and sports focused, like 94Fifty Basketball, which helps people with their shots; Runtastic, which assists users with fitness goals; Zombies Run, which helps runners keep going; and, which lets users keep up to date with the World Cup and other soccer events.

Google Glass is now available in the UK for £1,000

posted onJune 24, 2014
by l33tdawg

Google announced that its Glass Explorer Programme is now available in the UK on Monday, meaning that Britons aged 18 and over can buy the augmented reality spectacles.

Google Glass, for those who have been living in a box for the past year, is "a lightweight frame and display that rests above your eyes" that allows users to perform tasks such as internet search and navigation by barking at it. For example, saying "OK Glass, give me directions to Oxford Circus," will fire up a map onto the screen, while giving users the option of voice-guided navigation.

U.S. Air Force takes Google Glass for a test flight

posted onMay 5, 2014
by l33tdawg

The U.S. Air Force is trying out Google Glass with pilots, battlespace coordinators and even parachuting medics.

The Air Force announced this week that researchers with the 711th Human Performance Wing at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, are testing Google Glass for potential battlefield use.

Failure Is the Best Thing That Could Happen to Google Glass

posted onApril 16, 2014
by l33tdawg

Today, for one day only, Google Glass goes on sale to everyone in the U.S. Everyone, that is, with an extra $1,500 to spare and a desire to become a guinea pig in a hotly contested social experiment. It’s not a stretch to say that this little test, the first that hasn’t been geared to the already converted, could steer what Google ultimately decides to do with the entire project.

Journalist: I was assaulted on street for wearing Google Glass

posted onApril 14, 2014
by l33tdawg

There's a temptation to believe that San Francisco is in the middle of severe social tensions around tech.

When Yahoo buses are vomited upon and Google lawyers are the targets of a protest for allegedly evicting teachers from their homes, you'd conceive that things can only get worse. And then there's Google Glass.

First UK Google Glass trial gives Parkinson's sufferers more independence

posted onApril 9, 2014
by l33tdawg

Before Glass becomes a publicly available product, Google's quietly embarked on a campaign to get its iconic eyewear into the hands of those who can use it to tackle complex issues.

After it gifted five pairs to researchers at Newcastle University, Google's allowed its wearable to undergo its first UK medical trial, where it's being used to support people suffering from Parkinson's disease. Researchers want to help patients live more independently, and they're already seeing results.