What do a hacker expo and cutting-edge research have in common? Amsterdam!
L33tdawg: We've got a fully packed line up with some really awesome content and if you haven't already registered, now might be a good time to do so as late registration rates start in April. You can register online here.
Dhillon Andrew Kannabhiran is the Founder and CEO of Hack in The Box, and in this interview he introduces HITBSecConf Amsterdam and offers insight on what attendees can expect to see at the event this May.
How would you introduce HITBSecConf Amsterdam to someone who hasn't attended yet?
HITBSecConf Amsterdam is a gathering of network security professionals and enthusiasts who come from all corners of the globe to discuss the next generation of attacks and defense techniques. This is not an event you come to for 'security 101' talks or marketing hype. We cover stuff that hasn't made it into the news - yet. Potential security issues coming our way in the next 12 months.