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Toys R Us 'selling' iPad 2, but getting one is a different story

posted onApril 17, 2011
by hitbsecnews

The iPad 2 has been chronically selling out at stores everywhere so news that a new outlet will have the iPad 2 can potentially send shoppers scurrying to that location.

But don't expect to waltz into a Toys R Us today and get one. In the Los Angeles area, only select Toys R Us stores got a shipment of iPad 2s. In northern Los Angeles, for example, only a couple of stores (Santa Clarita and Bakersfield) got the iPad 2, according to a store representative.

And a store in Tustin, Calif.--a Los Angeles suburb--had already sold out of the iPad 2 by 10 a.m. The store opened at 9 a.m. The situation isn't much better at Apple stores. The Manhattan Apple store had no stock on Sunday and a store representative said they generally sell out every day.



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