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Seventy police web sites are attacked in the name of Antisec

posted onAugust 2, 2011
by l33tdawg

SEVENTY POLICE WEB SITES in the US were attacked and taken offline on the day that the Metropolitan Police charged the alleged Lulzsec mouthpiece 'Topiary' in the UK.

If the police thought that they could scare or silence the hacktivists with attitude then they were wrong, as while the media spotlight shone on a court in London, the torches of the ninja pirates were peering into police web sites and databases and stripping them of booty.

According to at least one sheriff nothing of importance was taken from his organisation, but perhaps he had not realised just how far the pirate arm reaches. In a follow up to his claims, made in a local paper to Baxter, the AnonymousIRC twitter account had this to say, "... no critical details like names, social security numbers on their server." (link to personal details) You dense much? #AntiSec #FreeTopiary"



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