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LulzSec making a return on April Fools' Day?

posted onMarch 22, 2012
by l33tdawg

So apparently LulzSec are making a return - on April fools' day. Yeah, exactly. A Youtube video has been released claiming the return of LulzSec in what they're calling Operation LulzDay and a supposed Project Mayhem scheduled for December 21st. 

Sure, SOME members of LulzSec could possibly still be around (if there ARE actually more members than the 6 that have aleady been busted), but is LulzSec actually returning on April 1st? Well, this IS the Internet - ANYONE can claim to be LulzSec or Anonymous - that's the whole point right? ;) Take a look at the video and decide for yourself. Honestly, I'd be more concerned with the apparent plan to bring down the Internet by DDoSing the 13 root DNS servers on the 31st of March. 



LulzSec Hackers Anonymous Security

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