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The iPad is an addition, not a replacement for today's IT professional

posted onApril 23, 2012
by l33tdawg

When I think about the iPad as a sysadmin's tool, I don't think about it in terms of can/can't. Obviously, the iPad can be a sysadmin tool. Heck, I used Windows Mobile 6 phones as sysadmin tools. It wasn’t a lot of fun, but if you were really far from a laptop, tin cans with string, or a sharp stick and soft dirt, you could do it. Prior to getting my first iPad, I used my iPhone to some effect. The truth is you can use an iPhone (or really, any smartphone) as a sysadmin tool as long as you have a decent Web browser and few key apps. But it is not a particularly enjoyable experience.

Yes, I know, “sysadmin” and “enjoyable” seem like they’re mutually exclusive. The small screen of the iPhone, and the small size of its keyboard have always made it one of those “if you have to" tools. Things like VNC or other similar remote logins were... well, you can do those sorts of things on an iPhone, but I always tried to avoid it. It’s easier to drive home to the MacBook Pro than use the iPhone.

The iPad, on the other hand, is quite enjoyable to use for sysadmin tasks. For one, the size is just about perfect. It’s big enough that even my ape-like paws can type at a reasonable speed, manipulate screen elements, etc. It’s not so big that you can’t easily carry it, but it’s big enough that you can wedge it into a rack or prop it up on a CD tray so the display is easily accessible. 



Hardware Apple iPad

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