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Don't let me down, Apple: iOS 7 on the iPad 2

posted onSeptember 20, 2013
by l33tdawg

My iPad is scarcely two and a half years old, but in the last month or so, it’s started to show signs of senility. I could peck out maybe 20 letters on the keyboard before the device realized I was typing, Safari crashed at the merest whiff of a GIF, and there were some YouTube videos it wouldn’t react to at all, instead opting to stare me dumbly in the face with a loading pinwheel. Naturally, it was time to throw a whole new operating system at it.

Even in the middling scheme of things, my iPad is not that old. Compared to my smartphone, I’ve come to look at it as more of an appliance than a work device or a computer. It lives on or around my couch, and I browse and read and tweet and tumble and pin while pretending to watch Netflix across the room.

I work my iPad about as hard as I work my refrigerator or stove, which is to say, I engage with it daily for about an hour, maybe two. Because of this, I’ve developed a somewhat unreasonable expectation that it will remain perfectly functional in the long term. Obviously, I am thereby setting myself up for disappointment.



Hardware Apple iPad

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