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Flawed Verizon My FiOS mobile app exposed email accounts

posted onJanuary 19, 2015
by l33tdawg

Verizon fixed a serious vulnerability in its My FiOS mobile application that allowed unfettered access to email accounts, according to a developer who found the problem.

Randy Westergren, a senior software developer with XDA Developers, looked at the Android version of My FiOS, which is used for account management, email and scheduling video recordings.

Netflix refuses to comply with Verizon's "cease and desist" demands

posted onJune 10, 2014
by l33tdawg

Netflix said Monday it will not stop telling consumers that Internet service providers are to blame for poor streaming video.

Last week, Verizon sent a cease and desist letter to Netflix threatening a lawsuit unless Netflix immediately stops sending notices to customers (like the one at the top of this story) blaming Verizon for poor quality. Verizon also demanded a list of all customers who received such messages and evidence that each message was justified.

Verizon claims Netflix is driving its customers away, threatens lawsuit

posted onJune 6, 2014
by l33tdawg

Verizon today demanded that "Netflix immediately cease and desist" its practice of telling customers that Verizon is to blame for network quality problems that affect streaming video.

This week, Netflix customer Yuri Victor tweeted a screenshot of a message he got from Netflix that said, "The Verizon network is crowded right now. Adjusting video for smoother playback..." It turns out Netflix has been providing these messages to customers of multiple ISPs for a month.

Vodafone, Verizon confirm talks, say 'no certainty' deal will be reached

posted onAugust 29, 2013
by l33tdawg

Talks continue between Verizon and Vodafone over the potential buyout of the U.K. carrier's 45 percent stake in joint venture Verizon Wireless, which could move the companies closer to completing negotiations which have been on the table for years.

However, an agreement does not seem likely in the near future despite worries that interest rates could eventually make the buyout too expensive.

Top secret doc shows NSA demands Verizon hand over millions of phone records daily

posted onJune 6, 2013
by l33tdawg

On Wednesday, The Guardian published a secret order issued by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court allowing the National Security Agency (NSA) to demand vast swaths of metadata from Verizon. The order, which specifies that Verizon hand over the information on an “ongoing, daily basis,” encompasses the phone records pertaining to all of Verizon's American customers, whether the communications are between US-based callers, or between a US caller and an international caller.

Verizon Reports Illicit Images in Maryland Man's Cloud Storage

posted onMarch 6, 2013
by l33tdawg

Verizon Online notified authorities that a Catholic deacon had stored illegal images of children on the ISP's cloud storage service.
Police charged a Maryland man on March 1 for allegedly possessing illicit images of children, following a tip from his cloud storage provider Verizon, which had detected the images in an online sweep of its service.

Verizon Sued For Defending Alleged BitTorrent Pirates

posted onNovember 27, 2012
by l33tdawg

A group of adult movie companies is suing Verizon for failing to hand over the personal details of alleged BitTorrent pirates. The provider systematically refuses to comply with court-ordered subpoenas and the copyright holders see these actions as more than just an attempt to protect its customers. According to the them, Verizon’s objections are in bad faith as the Internet provider is profiting from BitTorrent infringements at the expense of lower-tier ISPs.

verizonThe ongoing avalanche of mass-BitTorrent lawsuits reveal that IP-addresses can get people into a heap of trouble.

Verizon debuts security app to battle malware on Android

posted onSeptember 12, 2012
by l33tdawg

There's been a lot of news lately on how Android mobile devices are malware's new favorite victims. While Google has been working to beef up security for its mobile OS, wireless carriers are also pitching in.

Verizon announced the launch of its McAfee "Mobile Security" app for Android today, which aims to help subscribers protect stored data on their smartphones. More specifically the paid version of the app lets users remotely locate, alarm, lock, and wipe data from their device.

#HITB2012AMS Closing keynote by Jaya Baloo on Identity, Privacy and Security [VIDEO]

posted onJune 26, 2012
by l33tdawg

Jaya Baloo has been working internationally in Information Security for fourteen years. Her focus has been on secure network architecture design, and she has completed projects ranging from Lawful Interception, Deep Packet Inspection, VoIP & Mobile Security to designing national MPLS infrastructures and ISP architectures. She has worked for a number of telecom providers, KPN and France Telecom among others, and currently works for Verizon Business in the Netherlands where she specializes in Identity & Access Management -- Secure Mobility and Consumer Identity Management.

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