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Verizon claims Netflix is driving its customers away, threatens lawsuit

posted onJune 6, 2014
by l33tdawg

Verizon today demanded that "Netflix immediately cease and desist" its practice of telling customers that Verizon is to blame for network quality problems that affect streaming video.

This week, Netflix customer Yuri Victor tweeted a screenshot of a message he got from Netflix that said, "The Verizon network is crowded right now. Adjusting video for smoother playback..." It turns out Netflix has been providing these messages to customers of multiple ISPs for a month.

Verizon is worried that these notices will harm its otherwise sparkling reputation and even cause customers to switch Internet service providers. After all, the US Internet market is flush with competition, with every resident able to choose from so many high-quality service providers that there's no way we could list them all here.



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