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Android security from the ground up - HNS speaks with Georgia Weidman

posted onMarch 26, 2012
by l33tdawg

Georgia Weidman is a penetration tester, security researcher, and trainer. She's also one of the speakers at the upcoming HITBSecConf2012 - Amsterdam conference, where she will be presenting an inner look at the security mechanisms behind the permission model of Google's Android, looking for new and interesting ways of exploiting applications in order to gain elevated privileges.

Researcher to demonstrate how hackers can watch for free the TV programs you paid for

posted onMarch 8, 2012
by l33tdawg

The Internet is already buzzing about the Hack in the Box (HITB) conference that will take place in Amsterdam between May 21 and May 25. Among the interesting subjects presented at the event, there are also the flaws discovered by a Polish security researcher in digital satellite TV set-top-boxes and Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) chipsets.