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HITB Brings 'Turbo Edition' of Popular Hackathon to The Netherlands

posted onMarch 23, 2012
by l33tdawg

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 23 March 2012Hack In The Box is pleased to announce an all new ‘Turbo Edition’ of HackWEEKDAY at HITBSecConf2012 - Amsterdam. The 24-hour hackathon was first held last year at HITB security conference in Kuala Lumpur and it has been brought to Amsterdam this year in a tighter, improved format with more challenging time frames and bigger prizes.

Open to all hackers, developers and coders, the HackWEEKDAY - Turbo Edition, will be a 12-hour hackathon that will take place alongside HITBSecConf2012 - Amsterdam on the 24th and 25th of May. Sponsored by Mozilla Corporation, this year’s challenge is for participants to design and implement their own proof of concept solution to open problems with the common theme "Browsers & Extensions".

The HackWEEKDAY - Turbo Edition will span two intensive six-hour coding sessions. At the end of the twelve hours the panel of experts comprising members of the HITB Core Crew and representatives from Mozilla will select the best overall solution. Winners earn bragging rights for coming up with a unique hack to the ever growing problem of web and client side security, and they also walk away with EUR1337 in cold hard cash!

“The worlds of software developers and computer security share common interfaces - this allows for ample opportunities to learn from each other. HackWEEKDAY aims to continue to spark this interest both ways by giving people a broader view of how security and development blend together”, said Youri van der Zwart, one of the organizers of HackWEEKDAY Turbo Edition.

We only have space for 30 developers and aim to have an equal mix of professionals and students. Therefore, prospective contestants will first have their coding skills tested by means of a qualification challenge. We will then select the best 15 students and best 15 professional developers to come onsite to compete”, he added.

Think you've got what it takes to code with the best? Go to to sign up and send in your code samples. Registration closes on the 1st of May 2012. Accepted contestants will receive a complimentary pass to the 2-day conference (worth EUR899), access to the HackWEEKDAY arena, plus a chance to meet the big names of computer security including members of the world renowned iPhone / iOS jailbreak ‘Dream Team’ and many more.  

For further details on HackWEEKDAY ‘Turbo Edition’ please see:




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