Woman says Alexa recorded and shared the private conversation she was having with her husband

I don’t have an voice-activated assistant in my home.
Call me paranoid if you like, but I just don’t like the idea of some internet-enabled gadget always “listening” to what’s being said, waiting to hear if it’s being given a voice command. By my reckoning I’ve survived just fine for forty-cough years without a voice-activated assistant, so I’ll probably be just fine without one.
But lots of people have bought into the likes of the Amazon Alexa Echo, the Google Home, or the Apple HomePod, so maybe I’m just a dinosaur. Well, if I am a Diplodocus I’m a slightly smugger Diplodocus this morning, as I read what one woman claims happened to her. Danielle, who declined to provide her last name to CBS News affiliate Kiro7, says that she was having a private conversation with her husband… in her home which has a number of Amazon Alexa Echo devices.