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Forensic Expert: Manning's Computer Had 10K Cables, Downloading Scripts

posted onDecember 19, 2011
by l33tdawg

A government digital forensic expert linked accused Army leaker Bradley Manning to documents published by WikiLeaks with damning evidence Sunday, testifying that he found thousands of U.S. State Department cables on one of Manning’s work computers, ranging from unclassified to SECRET cables, among other incriminating documents.

Assange: 'iPhone, BlackBerry, Gmail users - you're all screwed'

posted onDecember 2, 2011
by l33tdawg

Surveillance companies can use your iPhone to take photos of you and your surroundings without your knowledge, said a representative from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism at a panel chaired by Julian Assange™ today.

Companies also sell products that will let them change the messages you write, track your location and nick your email contacts, claimed speakers on the panel that included representatives from Privacy International and the aforementioned bureau.

WikiLeaks IT security concerns delay whistleblower system launch

posted onNovember 30, 2011
by l33tdawg

IT security woes at WikiLeaks have led to the organisation delaying the launch of a system intended to protect whistleblowers submitting sensitive information.

A month after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said the organisation was facing critical financial problems, he warned that development on the new system had also hit obstacles, the Financial Times reported.

WikiLeaks set to relaunch secure tipster system

posted onNovember 28, 2011
by l33tdawg

WikiLeaks is expected to unveil a new online system on Monday to allow whistleblowers to pass secrets to its website, as Julian Assange tries to reboot his campaign for transparency under a barrage of legal, financial and technical challenges.

For more than a year, WikiLeaks’ electronic submission system has been offline, impeding its mission to blow open government secrets. Mr. Assange and his team have had to “re-engineer from scratch” its submission system because existing security technology “could not be trusted,” he said last month.

Alleged leaker Bradley Manning finally scheduled for court

posted onNovember 22, 2011
by l33tdawg

After being held in custody for over 17 months, former Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning will finally see the inside of a court as his Article 32 pretrial hearing is scheduled for December 16 at Fort Meade, Maryland.

The hearing is expected to last five days. Manning stands accused of multiple charges of computer fraud, theft of public property or records, transmitting defense information (thus violating the Espionage Act) and causing the stolen information to be published online.

Julian Assange wants Supreme Court appeal

posted onNovember 16, 2011
by l33tdawg

WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange has filed an appeal today to take his case to the Supreme Court in a bid to block his extradition to Sweden on possible charges of sexual assault and rape.

The High Court will decide whether Assange is allowed to appeal to the Supreme Court at a hearing on 4 December. The court may though delay handing down its decision.

WikiLeaks suspends operations, cites lack of funds

posted onOctober 25, 2011
by l33tdawg

Whistleblower website WikiLeaks today announced that it has temporarily suspended operations due to financial constraints.

In a brief note posted on its site, WikiLeaks blamed an "unlawful financial blockade" by several U.S. financial services companies for its situation. It also urged supporters to donate to its cause.

Assange puts book deal details on WikiLeaks

posted onSeptember 29, 2011
by l33tdawg

He laid bare the secrets of governments and corporations. But until now, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange fiercely fought demands for more transparency in his own personal and financial affairs.

But a bizarre dispute between Assange and a Scottish publisher who last week released an "unauthorized" version of Assange's autobiography has prompted the WikiLeaks frontman to make public some of his own secrets.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange disowns book

posted onSeptember 23, 2011
by l33tdawg

JULIAN Assange has become the subject of a rare publication - an "unauthorised autobiography" - after accepting a large advance for a book and then changing his mind and trying to stop it from being published.

The WikiLeaks founder has previously fallen out with senior members of his whistleblowing website and his media partners at The Guardian and The New York Times and his dispute with his publisher Canongate has been typically acrimonious.